邵宗泽研究员,博士生导师。1999年博士毕业于华中农业大学,2001年到自然资部第三海洋研究所工作至今,先后担任自然资源部海洋生物遗传资源重点实验室副主任、主任;中国海洋微生物菌种保藏中心主任;中国大洋深海生物资源调查首席科学家。入选国家百千万人才工程,国家政府特殊津贴专家、全国优秀科技工作者,中国大洋极地调查先进个人、有突出贡献专家。在深海生物基因资源调查、海洋微生物分类与系统演化、深海微生物多样性与功能、海洋微生物资源发掘等多个方面开展了深入研究。创建了中国海洋微生物菌种保藏管理中心(www.mccc.org.cn),参与建立了国家微生物资源共享服务平台。在Nature communication等重要期刊上发表海洋微生物已经论文SCI论文200多篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI研究论文150多篇。申请48项国家发明专利、一项美国专利,授权21项;主编或副主编学术专著4部。获海洋工程技术奖一等奖励2项(第一名)、海洋科技创新成果奖一等奖、二等奖各1项(第一名)。细菌烷烃代谢网络的研究成果入选2014年度中国海洋十大科技进展。深海微生物资源采集与菌种资源库建设入选2017年中国重大工程进展(十项)。
1. The oxidation of hydrocarbons by diverse heterotrophic and mixotrophic bacteria that inhabit deep-sea hydrothermal ecosystems. ISME Journal(2020)
2. Extracellular electron transfer in fermentative bacterium Anoxybacter fermentans DY22613T isolated from deep-sea hydrothermal sulfides. Sci Total Environ(2020)
3. Genome sequencing of deep-sea hydrothermal vent snails reveals adaptions to extreme environments. Gigascience(2020)
4. Elemental sulfur reduction by a deep-sea hydrothermal vent Campylobacterium Sulfurimonas sp. NW10. Environ Microbiol(2020)
5. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Degradation Pathways of the Obligate Marine PAH Degrader Cycloclasticus sp. Strain P1. Applied and environmental microbiology,(2018)
6. The Pelagic Bacterium Paraphotobacterium marinum Has the Smallest Complete Genome Within the Family Vibrionaceae. Frontiers in microbiology(2017)
7. Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis Front Microbiol(2021)
8. Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis Front Microbiol(2021)
9. Characterization of Sulfurimonas hydrogeniphila sp. nov., a Novel Bacterium Predominant in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents and Comparative Genomic Analyses of the Genus Sulfurimonas Front Microbiol(2021)
10. "Candidatus Desulfobulbus rimicarensis," an Uncultivated Deltaproteobacterial Epibiont from the Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Shrimp Rimicaris exoculata Appl Environ Microbiol(2020)
11. A novel alphaproteobacterium with a small genome identified from the digestive gland of multiple species of abalone Environ Microbiol Rep(2020)
12. Metabolic Adaptation to Sulfur of Hyperthermophilic Palaeococcus pacificus DY20341(T) from Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Sediments Int J Mol Sci(2020)
13. Distribution of tetraether lipids in sulfide chimneys at the Deyin hydrothermal field, southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Implication to chimney growing stage Sci Rep(2018)
14. Genome-Based Analysis Reveals the Taxonomy and Diversity of the Family Idiomarinaceae Front Microbiol(2018)
15. Multiple Modes of Nematode Control by Volatiles of Pseudomonas putida 1A00316 from Antarctic Soil against Meloidogyne incognita Front Microbiol(2018)
16. A Multilocus Sequence Analysis Scheme for Phylogeny of Thioclava Bacteria and Proposal of Two Novel Species Front Microbiol(2017)
17. Genetic diversity and population structure of the Bacillus cereus group bacteria from diverse marine environments Sci Rep(2017)
18. Sulfur Metabolism of Hydrogenovibrio thermophilus Strain S5 and Its Adaptations to Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Environment Front Microbiol(2017)
19. Genomic and metabolic analysis of fluoranthene degradation pathway in Celeribacter indicus P73T Sci Rep(2015)
20. Genomic insights into the taxonomic status of the Bacillus cereus group Sci Rep(2015)
21. The diversity of PAH-degrading bacteria in a deep-sea water column above the Southwest Indian Ridge Front Microbiol(2015)
22. Thermophilic hydrogen-producing bacteria inhabiting deep-sea hydrothermal environments represented by Caloranaerobacter Res Microbiol(2015)
23. Biochemical characterization of a haloalkane dehalogenase DadB from Alcanivorax dieselolei B-5 PLoS One(2014)
24. Hyphomonas atlanticus sp. nov., isolated from the Atlantic Ocean and emended description of the genus Hyphomonas Syst Appl Microbiol(2014)
25. Indigenous oil-degrading bacteria in crude oil-contaminated seawater of the Yellow sea, China Appl Microbiol Biotechnol(2014)
26. Multilocus sequence analysis for assessment of phylogenetic diversity and biogeography in Thalassospira bacteria from diverse marine environments PLoS One(2014)
27. Multilocus sequence analysis for the assessment of phylogenetic diversity and biogeography in hyphomonas bacteria from diverse marine environments PLoS One(2014)
28. Oil degradation and biosurfactant production by the deep sea bacterium Dietzia maris As-13-3 Front Microbiol(2014)
29. The long-chain alkane metabolism network of Alcanivorax dieselolei Nat Commun(2014)
30. Enzymes and genes involved in aerobic alkane degradation Front Microbiol(2013)
31. Phylogenetic diversity of the Bacillus pumilus group and the marine ecotype revealed by multilocus sequence analysis PLoS One(2013)
32. Genes involved in alkane degradation in the Alcanivorax hongdengensis strain A-11-3 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol(2012)
33. Multiple alkane hydroxylase systems in a marine alkane degrader, Alcanivorax dieselolei B-5 Environ Microbiol(2011)
34. Gene diversity of CYP153A and AlkB alkane hydroxylases in oil-degrading bacteria isolated from the Atlantic Ocean Environ Microbiol(2010)
35. Isolation and diversity analysis of arsenite-resistant bacteria in communities enriched from deep-sea sediments of the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge Extremophiles(2009)
36. A pyrene-degrading consortium from deep-sea sediment of the West Pacific and its key member Cycloclasticus sp. P1 Environ Microbiol(2008)
37. Biodiversity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from deep sea sediments of the Middle Atlantic Ridge Environ Microbiol(2008)
38. Isolation, gene detection and solvent tolerance of benzene, toluene and xylene degrading bacteria from nearshore surface water and Pacific Ocean sediment Extremophiles(2008)
39. Biosorption and bioaccumulation of lead by Penicillium sp. Psf-2 isolated from the deep sea sediment of the Pacific Ocean Extremophiles(2007)
40. Intracellular sequestration of manganese and phosphorus in a metal-resistant fungus Cladosporium cladosporioides from deep-sea sediment Extremophiles(2007)
41. Pseudomonas, the dominant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria isolated from Antarctic soils and the role of large plasmids in horizontal gene transfer Environ Microbiol(2006)
中国海洋微生物菌种保藏管理中心(Marine Culture Collection of China, MCCC)隶属于国家海洋局,专业从事海洋微生物菌种资源保藏管理的公益基础性资源保藏机构,负责全国海洋微生物菌种资源的收集、整理、鉴定、保藏、供应与国际交流。
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