
The 8th International Workshop on Deep-Sea Microbiology(DSM) Xiamen, Chinae8·10 November 2024

文章来源: 发布时间:2024-10-22 阅读次数:91

The "8th International Workshop on Deep-Sea Microbiology" is scheduled to be held in Xiamen, Fujian Province, China, from November 8 to 10, 2024. The workshop is sponsored by the Chinese Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, and organized by the Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, the Marine Biological Resources Committee and the Deep-dive Branch of the Chinese Society for Oceanography.

Since its inception in 2008, the International Workshop on Deep Sea Microbiology has been organized biennially by experts in the field of deep-sea microbiology research. The conference has been well-received and hosted by renowned scientists and their teams from countries such as China, France, the United States, Japan, and Korean, and has a significant international impact. The workshop focuses on the frontiers of deep-sea microbiology, exploring the limits of life and metabolic mechanisms, analyzing the biogeochemical cycles in which microorganisms participate, and discussing the hot topics of deep-sea microbial resource development. The details of this conference are as follows:

I. Organizing and Hosting Units

Sponser: The Chinese Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research

Organizers: Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources;

Marine Biological Resources Committee, Chinese Society for Oceanography;

Deep-Dive Branch, Chinese Society for Oceanography;

II. wORKSHOP Schedule

Dates: November 8-10, 2024

Venue: Mingfa International Hotel, Xiamen

Format: keynote talks, talks, poster, and post-conference discussions.


November 8, 2024: Full day registration; Afternoon,Night: Committee meeting;

November 9, 2024: Morning: Opening ceremony and Session 1-1 reports; Afternoon: Session 1-2 reports; Full day: Poster;

November 10, 2024: MorningSession 2 reports; Afternoon: Session 3 reports; Full day: Poster.

Friday, November 8, 2024





14: 00-21: 00

Committee meeting

18: 00-21: 00

Icebreaker Dinner

Saturday, November 9, 2024

09: 00-09: 30

Opening Remarks

Session 1: Microbial Diversity and Biogeochemical Cycling Potential in Deep-Sea

Session 1- 1 ChairZongze ShaoMohamed Jebbar

09: 30-09: 55

O1: From magma to microbe: the subsurface biosphere of Guaymas Basin.

Andreas Teske

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA.

09: 55-10: 20

O2: Using metagenomics in aquatic microbial ecology.

HansPeter Grossart

Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Germany.

10: 20-11: 00

Group PhotoBreak

11: 00-11: 20

O3: Deep life in hadal trench.

Xiang Xiao

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

11: 20-11: 40

O4: New light on dissolved inorganic carbon fixation and sulfur oxidation in the pelagic dark ocean.

Federico Baltar

University of Vienna, Austria / Shanghai Oceanic university, China.

11: 40-12: 00

O5: Deep-sea brine pools are hotspots of microbial productivity and biotic interactions.

Maxim Rubin Blum

University of Haifa, Israel.

12: 00-14: 00


Session 1-2 ChairAndreas TeskeXiang Xiao

14: 00-14: 20

O6: Fungi in deep-sea environments:  Essential players in marine ecosystems.

Yuriko Nagano

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan.

14: 20-14: 40

O7: Ecological and biogeochemical role of pelagic fungi in the oceanic water column
Eva Breyer
Shanghai Ocean University, China

14: 40-15: 00

O8: Novel insights into marine microbial DMSP/DMS cycling mechanisms in deep-sea environments.

Xiaohua Zhang

Ocean University of China, China.

15: 20-15: 40

O9: Functional vertical connectivity of microbial communities in the ocean.

Dazhi Wang

Xiamen University, China.

15: 40-16: 00


16: 00-16: 20

O10: Unveiling chirality in marine biogeochemistry.

Kai Tang

Xiamen University, China.

16: 20-16: 40

O11: Deep-sea hydrothermal microorganisms drive element cycling.

Zhichao Zhou

Shenzhen University, China.

16: 40-17: 00

O12: Rapid emergence of novel biota to mitigate methane leakage from the hydrate-bearing seafloor.

Longhui Deng

Shanghai Jiao Tong university, China.

17: 00-17: 20

O13: Diversities and host interactions of marine viruses.

Min Jin

Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources,China.

17: 20-18: 00

Poster presentation

18: 00-20: 00

Welcome Dinner

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Session 2: Deep-Sea Microbial Resources and Metabolic Mechanisms

Session 2 ChairKarine Alain; Peiyuan Qian

09: 00-09: 25

O14: Microbial sulfur disproportionation at deep-sea hydrothermal vents:  what do we know?

Karine Alain

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France.


09: 25-09: 50

O15: Sulfur utilization and environmental adaptation of deep sea bacteria.

Yuzhong Zhang

Ocean University of China / Shandong University, China.


09: 50-10: 10

O16: Marine sulfur-oxidizing bacteria resources and mechanism.

Stefan Sievert

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), USA.

10: 10-10: 30

O17: New ecological roles of the predominant chemolithoautotrophs related to cobalamin supply in deep-sea hydrothermal vent ecosystems.

Lijing Jiang

Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, China.

10: 30-10: 50


10: 50-11: 10

O18: Thermococcus barophilus adapts to high hydrostatic pressure by modulating its metabolism.

Jebbar Mohamed

Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France.

11: 10-11: 30

O19: A new working model for electron transport in a versatile, deep-sea, iron-oxidizing chemolithoautotroph.

Roman A Barco

University of Southern California, USA .

11: 30-11: 50

O20: Viruses of (hyper)thermophilic archaea and bacteria isolated from deepsea hydrothermal vents.

Claire Geslin

Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France.

11: 50-12: 10

O21: Exploring the depths: Insights into the symbiosis- driven biodiversity in cold seeps.

Minxiao Wang

Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

12: 10-14: 00


Session 3: Application of Deep-Sea Microorganisms

Session 3 Chair: Wei Zhang; Zhuhua Luo

14: 00-14: 25

O22: Promoting the discovery of marine microbial bioactive compounds via integrating genomic mining and biosynthesis

Peiyuan Qian

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China.


14: 25-14: 50

O23: Untapped sponge microbiome:  dark matters and blind spots in deep sea.

Wei Zhang

Flinders University, Australia.

14: 50-15: 10

O24: Cultivation and understanding of special life process of deep sea difficult-to-culture microbes.

Chaomin Sun

Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

15: 10-15: 30

O25: A simple biosynthetic pathway for 2,3-butanediol production in Thermococcus onnurineus NA1.

Yun Jae Kim

Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Korea.

15: 30-15: 50


15: 50-16: 10

O26: Bioprospecting of marine microbial resource by new cultivation methods.

Shan He

Ningbo University, China.

16: 10-16: 30

O27: High-value industrialization of marine bioengineering enzyme preparation.

Hui Zhu

Ningbo Sinoa Marine Biotechnology Co , Ltd, China.

16: 30-16: 50

O28: Global marine microbial diversity and its potential in bioprospecting.

Yangyang Jia

BGI researchChina.

16: 50-17: 10

O29: Microbial genetic resources in deep-sea cold seeps.

Xiyang Dong

Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, China.

17: 10-17: 30

Closing remarks

18: 00-20: 00



. Conference Registration

Please register and submit abstracts through the official conference website.


Abstract format

Poster size requirement: 80 cm wide × 110 cm high

Registration fee: Before October 15, faculty representatives (1800 RMB), students (1200 RMB); After October 16 and on-site registration, faculty representatives (2000 RMB), students (1500 RMB). The conference will cover meals (lunch and dinner), refreshments, and materials; accommodation and transportation costs are at the participant's expense.

Payment methods:

    1. Transfer the registration fee in advance to the following account, with a note: 8DSM + participant's name (status) + number of people + institution; e.g., 8DSM Wang Yun, Li Hai (faculty) 2 people XX University; Zhang Yi (student) 1 person XX University

Account Name: Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources

Account Number: 4100020709024905553

Bank Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited Branch

    1. On-site payment via QR code

The Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, will issue the registration fee invoice.

. Accommodation

Participants are requested to book their hotel rooms in advance.

Hotel: Mingfa International Hotel, Xiamen

Address: No. 325-327, Qianpu Middle Road, Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian Province

Room types: Deluxe king/double rooms, negotiated price: 400 RMB per night (including breakfast)

Contact: Lin 13860429156

Hotel phone: 0592-2368888

Participants will settle accommodation costs with the hotel, and the hotel will issue the invoice. It is recommended to book in advance (15 days) to ensure room availability.

. Contact Information for the Organizing Committee

For any suggestions or inquiries, please email the conference's dedicated mailbox:

Academic: Xiang Zeng; 15959218312

Accommodation: Guizhen Li; 18950165902

Registration and payment: Lin Wei; 15392492932

Sponsorship: Jianyang Li; 18559672107
