本年度完成20个原核微生物新种,研究结果已发表在微生物新种鉴定的权威刊物Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Antonie van Leeuwenhoek或International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology期刊上。这些菌株分离自大西洋、太平洋、印度洋和中国近海等 (如下表)。
序号 属种名 库藏编号 分离源
1 Aestuariivita atlantica MCCC 1A09432 大西洋深海沉积物
2 Anoxybacter fermentans MCCC 1A06456 太平洋海隆深海热液硫化沉积物
3 Aquimarina atlantica MCCC 1A09239 大西洋表面海水
4 Caloranaerobacter errireducens MCCC 1A06455 东太平洋深海热液口硫化物沉淀
5 Draconibacterium sediminis MCCC 1A00734 中国九龙河表层沉积物
6 Emcibacter nanhaiensis MCCC 1A06723 中国南海沉积物
7 Erythrobacter atlanticus MCCC 1A00519 大西洋深海沉积物
8 Halovulum dunhuangense MCCC 1A06483 中国敦煌陆生温泉水沙混合沉积物
9 Idiomarina atlantica MCCC 1A10513 北大西洋深海沉积物
10 Kiloniella litopenaei MCCC 1A09869 中国台湾海峡白对虾内脏
11 Kordia zhangzhouensis MCCC 1A00726 中国九龙河表层淡水
12 Lacinutrix gracilariae MCCC 1A01567 中国福建省晋江市沿海红藻表面
13 Mameliella atlantica MCCC 1A07531 南大西洋深海沉积物
14 Marinibacterium profundimaris MCCC 1A09326 大西洋深海海水
15 Pseudobowmanella zhangzhouensis MCCC 1A00758 中国九龙河表面淡水
16 Pseudooceanicola atlanticus MCCC 1A09160 大西洋表层海水
17 Tamlana nanhaiensis MCCC 1A06648 中国南海表面海水
18 Tenacibaculum holothuriorum MCCC 1A09872 中国福建省霞浦县海参肠道
19 Thioclava atlantica MCCC1A02612 大西洋深海沉积物收集器
20 Thioclava indica MCCC 1A00513 印度洋表层收集器
Aestuariivita atlantica sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment
种名定义:Aestuariivita atlantica (at.lan9ti.ca. L. fem. adj. atlantica referring to the Atlantic Ocean, where the strain was isolated).
模式菌株:22II-S11-z3T (=KCTC 42276T=MCCC 1A09432T)分离自大西洋深海沉积物。
发表论文:Li G, Lai Q, Du Y, Liu X, Sun F, Shao Z. Aestuariivita atlantica sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015 Oct; 65(10): 3281-5.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,好氧,细胞呈椭圆至杆状,长1.3-1.8μm,宽0.8-1.0μm,不可运动;氧化酶、七叶树素水解酶、脂酶(吐温20、40、80)呈阳性,G+C含量为65.5 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10;在MA培养基上28℃培养3天,菌落呈灰白色,表面微凸,边缘不规则,直径约1 mm;温度生长范围10-45℃(最适28℃),PH生长范围5.0-10.0(最适7.0-8.0),NaCl生长范围为1-9%(最适3-5%)。
Anoxybacter fermentans gen. nov., sp. nov., a piezophilic, thermophilic, anaerobic, fermentative bacterium isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent.
种名定义:Anoxybacter fermentans (fer.men9tans. L. part. adj. fermentans fermenting).
模式菌株:DY22613T (=JCM 19466T=DSM 28033T=MCCC 1A06456T)分离自东太平洋海隆深海热液硫化沉积物。
发表论文:Zeng X, Zhang Z, Li X, Zhang X, Cao J, Jebbar M, Alain K, Shao Z. Anoxybacter fermentans gen. nov., sp. nov., a piezophilic, thermophilic, anaerobic, fermentative bacterium isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015 Feb;65(Pt 2):710-5.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌, 厌氧,细胞呈长杆状,末端呈圆形,长10-20μm,宽约0.5μm,周生鞭毛,可运动;能利用复杂的有机化合物、氨基酸、糖类、有机酸等,G+C含量为36.7 mol%;温度生长范围44-72℃(最适60-62℃),液体静压力生长范围为0.1-55 MPa(最适20 MPa),PH生长范围5.0-9.0(最适7.0),海盐生长范围为1-8%(最适3.5%),NaCl生长范围为0.65-5.2%(最适2.3%),在60℃、20 MPa下,最短繁殖时间为27 min。
Aquimarina atlantica sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater of the Atlantic Ocean.
种名定义:Aquimarina atlantica (at.lan’ti.ca. atlantica L, fem adj. of or pertaining to the Atlantic Ocean, where the strain was isolated).
模式菌株:22II-S11-z7T (=MCCC 1A09239T =KCTC 42003T)分离自大西洋表面海水。
发表论文:Li G, Lai Q, Sun F, Liu X, Xie Y, Du Y, Li G, Shao Z. Aquimarina atlantica sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater of the Atlantic Ocean. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2014 Aug;106(2):293-300.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,细胞呈长杆状,长约3.0μm,宽约0.4μm,无鞭毛,可滑行运动;过氧化氢酶、明胶水解酶、硝酸还原酶、淀粉酶、脂酶(吐温20、吐温80)β-半乳糖苷酶、白明胶酶、乙偶姻酶、DNA水解酶呈阳性,G+C含量为32.99 mol%,主要呼吸醌为MK-6(100%);在MA培养基上28℃生长2天,菌落为橙色不透明,表面凸起,边缘不规则,直径1.0-2.0 mm;温度生长范围10-41℃(最适25-28℃),PH生长范围3.0-10.0(最适6.0-7.0),NaCl生长范围为1-5%(最适1-3%)。
Caloranaerobacter ferrireducens sp. nov., an anaerobic, thermophilic, iron (III)-reducing bacterium isolated fromdeep-sea hydrothermal sulfide deposits.
种名定义:Caloranaerobacter ferrireducens [fer.ri.re.du9cens. L. n. ferrum iron; L. part. adj. reducens converting to a differen state; N.L. part. adj. ferrireducens reducing iron (III)].
中文名: 铁还原喜热厌氧菌
模式菌株: DY22619T (=JCM 19467T=DSM 27799T=MCCC 1A06455T)分离自东太平洋深海热液口硫化物沉淀样品。
发表论文: Zeng X, Zhang Z, Li X, Jebbar M, Alain K, Shao Z. Caloranaerobacter ferrireducens sp. nov., an anaerobic, thermophilic, iron (III)-reducing bacterium isolated from deep-sea hydrothermal sulfide deposits. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015 Jun;65(Pt 6):1714-8.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,厌氧,不产芽孢,细胞呈杆状,末端呈圆形,长2-10μm,宽约0.5μm,周生鞭毛,可运动;能利用复杂的有机化合物、氨基酸、糖类、有机酸等,G+C含量为29.0 mol%,;温度生长范围40-70℃(最适60℃),PH生长范围4.5-8.5(最适7.0),海盐生长范围1-10%(最适3%),NaCl生长范围为1.5-5.0%(最适2.5%),在最适生长条件下,繁殖时间为55 min。
Draconibacterium sediminis sp. nov., isolated from river sediment.
种名定义:Draconibacterium sediminis (se.di9mi.nis. L. gen. n. sediminis of sediment, referring to the sediment of the Jiulong River, where the type strain was isolated).
模式菌株:JN14CK-3T (=MCCC 1A00734T=KCTC 42152T)分离自中国九龙河表层沉积物。
发表论文:Du J, Lai Q, Liu Y, Dong C, Xie Y, Shao Z. Draconibacterium sediminis sp. nov., isolated from river sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015 Jul;65(7):2310-4.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,兼性厌氧,细胞呈杆状,长2.9-3.4μm,宽0.6-0.8μm;β-半乳糖酶、硝酸盐还原酶、七叶树素水解酶、麦芽糖水解酶等呈阳性,G+C含量为40.9 mol%,主要呼吸醌为MK-7;在MA培养基上30℃培养2天,菌落呈圆形,苍白色不透明,边缘规则,表面光滑,中央微凸,不产色素,直径约0.5 mm;温度生长范围15-40℃(最适30-35℃),PH生长范围5.0-8.0(最适7.0),NaCl生长范围为2.0-7.0%(最适3.0-5.0%)。
Emcibacter nanhaiensis gen. nov. sp. nov., isolated from sediment of the South China Sea.
种名定义:Emcibacter nanhaiensis (nan.hai.en’sis. N.L. masc. adj. nanhaiensis pertaining to Nanhai, the Chinese name for the South China Sea, the site where the type strain was isolated).
中文名: 南海中国海洋微生物保藏中心杆菌
模式菌株:HTCJW17T (=CGMCC 1.12471T=LMG 27419T=MCCC 1A06723T)分离自中国南海沉积物。
发表论文:Liu X, Li G, Lai Q, Sun F, Du Y, Shao Z. Emcibacter nanhaiensis gen. nov. sp. nov., isolated from sediment of the South China Sea. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2015 Apr;107(4):893-900.
新种特征描述: 革兰氏阴性菌,好氧,细胞呈卵形或杆状;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、β-甲苷酶呈阳性,G+C含量为56.3 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10;在MA培养基上培养3天,形成微小的圆形菌落,奶白色不透明,直径约1 mm;温度生长范围15-45℃(最适37℃),PH生长范围6.0-9.0(最适7.0),NaCl生长范围为1-7%(最适3%)。
Erythrobacter atlanticus sp. nov., a novel polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium from sediment of the Atlantic Ocean.
种名定义:Erythrobacter atlanticus (at.lan9ti.cus. N.L. masc. adj. atlanticus referring to the Atlantic Ocean, where the type strain was isolated).
模式菌株:s21-N3T (=MCCC 1A00519T=KCTC 42697T)分离自大西洋深海沉积物。
发表论文:Zhuang L, Liu Y, Wang L, Wang W, Shao Z. Erythrobacter atlanticus sp. nov., a novel polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium from sediment of the Atlantic Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015 Jul 26.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,细胞呈杆状,长0.5-2μm,宽0.3-0.5μm,可运动;菌落呈橙色;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、硝酸盐还原酶、反硝化酶、七叶树素水解酶呈阳性,G+C含量为58.18 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10;在MA培养基上28℃培养3天,菌落呈圆形,黄褐色不透明,边缘规则,表面光滑,直径0.8-1 mm;温度生长范围4-37℃(最适28℃),PH生长范围5 -10(最适7-8),NaCl生长范围为1-7%(最适2-30%)。
Halovulum dunhuangense gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a saline terrestrial spring.
种名定义:Halovulum dunhuangense (dun.huang.en9se. N.L. neut. adj. dunhuangense of or belonging to Dunhuang City, where the type strain was isolated).
模式菌株:YYQ-30T (=LMG 27418T=MCCC 1A06483T)分离自中国敦煌陆生温泉水沙混合沉积物样品。
发表论文:Sun F, Du Y, Liu X, Lai Q, Shao Z. Halovulum dunhuangense gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a saline terrestrial spring. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015 Sep;65(9):2810-6.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,好氧,细胞呈椭圆至杆状,长1.1-6.6μm,宽0.5-1.0μm,无鞭毛,通过二分裂法繁殖;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、硝酸盐还原酶、七叶树素水解酶、脂酶(吐温20、60、80)呈阳性,G+C含量为71.7 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10;在MA培养基上35℃培养4天,菌落呈光滑的奶油色,边缘规则,中央微凸,不产色素,直径约0.7 mm;;温度生长范围10-45℃(最适30-37℃),PH生长范围6.0-9.0(最适7.0-8.5),NaCl生长范围为0-10.0%(最适0-3.0%)。
Idiomarina atlantica sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from the deep sea sediment of the North Atlantic Ocean.
种名定义:Idiomarina atlantica (atlan.ti’ca. L. adj. atlantica referring to the Atlantic Ocean, where the strain was isolated).
中文名: 大西洋海源菌
模式菌株:G5_TVMV8_7T (=MCCC 1A10513T=KCTC 42141T)分离自北大西洋深海沉积物。
发表论文:Du J, Lai Q, Liu Y, Du Y, Liu X, Sun F, Shao Z. Idiomarina atlantica sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from the deep sea sediment of the North Atlantic Ocean. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2015 Feb;107(2):393-401.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,好氧,不产芽孢,细胞呈略弯的杆状,长约2.3μm,宽约0.8μm,无鞭毛;G+C含量为50.2 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-8;在MA培养基上28℃培养2天,菌落呈圆形,米白色不透明,表面光滑,边缘规则,中央微凸,直径1.0-2.0 mm;温度生长范围4-45℃(最适25-35℃),PH生长范围6.0-11.0(最适7.0-8.0),NaCl生长范围为1.0-15.0%(最适3.0-5.0%)。
Kiloniella litopenaei sp. nov., isolated from the gut microflora of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei.
种名定义:Kiloniella litopenaei (li.to.pe.nae’i. N.L. n. Litopenaeus, a genus of penaeid shrimp; N.L. gen. n. litopenaei of Litopenaeus vannamei, from which the organism was first isolated).
模式菌株:P1-1T(=MCCC 1A09869T=LMG 27755T)分离自中国台湾海峡,白对虾内脏的微生物群落。
发表论文:Wang L, Li X, Lai Q, Shao Z. Kiloniella litopenaei sp. nov., isolated from the gut microflora of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2015 Dec;108(6):1293-9.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,细胞呈杆状,长1.0-2.6μm,宽0.4-0.6μm,可通过单极生鞭毛来运动;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶呈阳性,G+C含量为46.1 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-9;在MA培养基上28℃培养2天,菌落呈奶油色不透明,表面光滑,边缘规则,中央突起,直径1.0-2.0 mm;温度生长范围15-37℃(最适28-32℃),PH生长范围6.0-10.0(最适7.0-9.0),NaCl生长范围为0.5-7%(最适3%)。
Kordia zhangzhouensis sp. nov., isolated from the surface freshwater of the Jiulong River in China.
种名定义:Kordia zhangzhouensis (zhang.zhou.en9sis. N.L. fem. adj. zhangzhouensis of Zhangzhou, referring to the Jiulong River, where the type strain was isolated).
模式菌株:JS14SB-1T(=MCCC 1A00726T=KCTC 42140T)分离自中国九龙河表层淡水。
发表论文:Du J, Liu Y, Lai Q, Dong C, Xie Y, Shao Z. Kordia zhangzhouensis sp. nov., isolated from the surface freshwater of the Jiulong River in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015 Jul 9.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,严格好氧,细胞呈杆状,长1.9-3.2μm,宽0.4-0.8μm,不可运动;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、酪蛋白酶、淀粉酶、乙偶姻产生酶、七叶树素水解酶、明胶水解酶呈阳性,G+C含量为33.8 mol%,主要呼吸醌为MK-6;在MA培养基上28℃培养2天,菌落呈圆形,橙黄色不透明,边缘规则,表面光滑,中央微凸,直径0.5-1.0 mm,培养至第六天停止生长;温度生长范围15-38℃(最适28-35℃),PH生长范围6.0-9.0(最适7.0),NaCl生长范围为1.0-7.0%(最适3.0-5.0%)。
Lacinutrix gracilariae sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from the surface of a marine red alga Gracilaria sp.
种名定义:Lacinutrix gracilariae (gra.ci.la9ri.ae. N.L. gen. n. gracilariae of the red alga Gracilaria).
模式菌株:Lxc1T (=MCCC 1A01567T=KCTC 42808T)分离自中国福建省晋江市沿海地区海洋红藻Gracilaria sp的表面。
发表论文:Huang Z, Li G, Lai Q, Gu L, Shao Z. Lacinutrix gracilariae sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from the surface of a marine red alga Gracilaria sp. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015 Nov 9.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,好氧,细胞呈杆状,长1.4-1.9μm,宽约0.5μm,无鞭毛;碱性磷酸酶、脂酶(C8)、酸性磷酸酶、胰蛋白酶等呈阳性,G+C含量为31.7 mol%,主要呼吸醌为MK-6;在MA培养基上生长,菌落呈圆形,橙黄色,表面光滑,直径小于1 mm;温度生长范围5-35℃(最适28℃),PH生长范围6.0-9.0(最适7.0),NaCl生长范围为0.5-8%(最适2%)。
Mameliella atlantica sp. nov., a marine bacterium of the Roseobacter clade isolated from deep-sea sediment of the South Atlantic Ocean.
种名定义:Mameliella atlantica (at.lan’.tica. L. fem. adj. atlantica atlantic referring to the Atlantic Ocean, where the strain was isolated).
模式菌株:L6M1-5T(MCCC 1A07531T=JCM 30230T)分离自南大西洋深海沉积物。
发表论文:Xu H, Jiang L, Li S, Zeng X, Shao Z. Mameliella atlantica sp. nov., a marine bacterium of the Roseobacter clade isolated from deep-sea sediment of the South Atlantic Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015 Jul;65(7):2255-9.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,细胞呈短杆状,长1.2-2.0μm,宽0.7-0.8μm;过氧化氢酶呈弱阳性,硝酸盐还原酶、脲酶呈阳性,G+C含量为66.0 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10;温度生长范围10-41℃(最适28-30℃),PH生长范围5.0-10.5(最适7.0),NaCl生长范围为0.5-15.5%(最适3-5%)。
Marinibacterium profundimaris gen. nov. sp. nov., isolated from deep sea water of the Atlantic Ocean.
种名定义:Marinibacterium profundimaris (pro.fun.di.ma9ris. L. adj. profundus deep; L. gen. n. maris from/of the sea; N.L. gen. n. profundimaris from/of the deep-sea, reflecting from where the type strain was isolated).
模式菌株:22II1-22F33T ( = LMG 27151T=MCCC 1A09326T)分离自大西洋深海海水。
发表论文:Li G, Lai Q, Du Y, Liu X, Sun F, Shao Z. Marinibacterium profundimaris gen. nov. sp. nov., isolated from deep sea water of the Atlantic Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015 Aug 24.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,细胞呈卵形,长1.4-1.9μm,宽0.6-0.8μm,无鞭毛;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、七叶树素水解酶、脂酶(吐温80)、硝酸还原酶、DNA水解酶呈阳性,G+C含量为66.2 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10;在MA培养基上28℃培养2天,菌落呈淡黄色不透明,表面凸起,边缘规则,直径1.0-2.0 mm;温度生长范围4-41℃,PH生长范围5.0-8.0(最适6.0-8.0),NaCl生长范围为0-12%(最适0-7%)。
Pseudobowmanella zhangzhouensis gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from the surface freshwater of the Jiulong Riverin China.
种名定义:Pseudobowmanella zhangzhouensis (zhang.zhou.en’- sis. N.L. fem.adj. zhangzhouensis of Zhangzhou, referring to the Jiulong River, where the strain was isolated).
模式菌株:JS7-9T(=MCCC 1A00758T=KCTC 42143T)分离自中国九龙河表面淡水。
发表论文:Du J, Dong C, Lai Q, Liu Y, Xie Y, Shao Z. Pseudobowmanella zhangzhouensis gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from the surface freshwater of the Jiulong River in China. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2015 Mar;107(3):741-8.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,兼性厌氧,细胞呈杆状,长约2.0μm,宽约0.5μm,可通过单极性鞭毛运动;硝酸盐还原酶呈阳性,G+C含量为53.4 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-8;在MA培养基上28℃培养2天,菌落呈圆形,灰白色不透明,表面光滑,边缘规则,中央微凸,不产色素,直径0.5-1 mm,生长的第三天,菌落变干,聚集成片;温度生长范围15-42℃(最适25-37℃),PH生长范围6.0-9.0(最适7.0),NaCl生长范围为0-7.0%(最适0.5-3.0%)。
Pseudooceanicola atlanticus gen. nov. sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater of the Atlantic Ocean andreclassification of Oceanicola batsensis, Oceanicola marinus, Oceanicola nitratireducens, Oceanicolananhaiensis, Oceanicola antarcticus and Oceanicola flagellatus, as Pseudooceanicola batsensis comb. nov.,Pseudooceanicola marinus comb. nov., Pseudooceanicola nitratireducens comb. nov., Pseudooceanicolananhaiensis comb. nov., Pseudooceanicola antarcticus comb. nov., and Pseudooceanicola flagellatus comb. nov.
种名定义:Pseudooceanicola atlanticus (at.lan’ti.cus. L. masc. adj. atlanticus Atlantic, from the Atlantic Ocean).
模式菌株:22II-S11gT(=KCTC 42004T=LMG 27424T=MCCC 1A09160T)分离自大西洋表层海水。
发表论文:Lai Q, Li G, Liu X, Du Y, Sun F, Shao Z. Pseudooceanicola atlanticus gen. nov. sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater of the Atlantic Ocean and reclassification of Oceanicola batsensis, Oceanicola marinus, Oceanicola nitratireducens, Oceanicola nanhaiensis, Oceanicola antarcticus and Oceanicola flagellatus, as Pseudooceanicola batsensis comb. nov., Pseudooceanicola marinus comb. nov., Pseudooceanicola nitratireducens comb. nov., Pseudooceanicola nanhaiensis comb. nov., Pseudooceanicola antarcticus comb. nov., and Pseudooceanicola flagellatus comb. nov. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2015 Apr;107(4):1065-74.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,兼性厌氧,细胞呈杆状,长2.2-2.7μm,宽0.8-1.1μm,无鞭毛;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、脂酶(吐温20、40)呈阳性,G+C含量为64.1 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10;在MA培养基上28℃培养2天,菌落呈灰白色不透明,中央突出,边缘不规则,直径1.0-1.5 mm;温度生长范围10-41℃(最适25-28℃),PH生长范围4.0-9.0(最适6.0-8.0),NaCl生长范围为0.5-9%(最适1-7%)。
Tamlana nanhaiensis sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater collected from the South China Sea.
种名定义:Tamlana nanhaiensis (nan.hai.en’sis. N.L. fem. adj. nanhaiensis referring to Nanhai, the South China Sea, the site from where the type strain was isolated).
模式菌株:FHC16T(=LMG 27420T=CGMCC 1.12469T=MCCC 1A06648T)分离自中国南海表面海水。
发表论文:Liu X, Lai Q, Du Y, Li G, Sun F, Shao Z. Tamlana nanhaiensis sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater collected from the South China Sea. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2015 May; 107(5):1189-96.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,细胞呈杆状,无鞭毛,不运动;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、D-半乳糖酶、D-葡萄糖酶、D-甘露糖酶、D-山梨醇酶、乙酸酶、L-谷氨酸酶、谷氨酸呈阳性,G+C含量为34.2 mol%,主要呼吸醌为MK-6;在MA培养基上生长,菌落呈圆形,黄色,表面光滑,边缘规则,中央微凸;温度生长范围15-37℃(最适25-30℃),PH生长范围6.0-9.0(最适7.0),NaCl生长范围为0-5%(最适3%)。
Tenacibaculum holothuriorum sp. nov., isolated from the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus intestine.
种名定义:Tenacibaculum holothuriorum (ho.lo.thu.ri.o’rum. N.L. gen. pl. n. holothuriorum of holothurians, sea cucumbers; bacterium isolated from holothurians).
模式菌株:S2-2T(=MCCC 1A09872T=LMG 27758T)分离自中国福建省霞浦县海参肠道。
发表论文:Wang L, Li X, Hu D, Lai Q, Shao Z. Tenacibaculum holothuriorum sp. nov., isolated from the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus intestine. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2015 Sep 4.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,好氧,无鞭毛,细胞呈直杆状,不产芽孢,可滑行运动,长1.7-4.0μm,宽0.4-0.7μm,;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、酪蛋白酶、明胶水解酶、DNA水解酶呈阳性,G+C含量为31.8 mol%,主要呼吸醌为MK-6;在MA培养基上28℃培养2天,菌落呈圆形,淡黄色,表面平铺突起,直径0.5-2 mm;温度生长范围15-36℃(最适25-32℃),PH生长范围6-9(最适7.0),NaCl生长范围为2-7%(最适3 -5%)。
Thioclava atlantica sp. nov., isolated from deep sea sediment of the Atlantic Ocean.
种名定义:Thioclava atlantica (at.lan’ti.ca. L. fem. adj. atlantica referring to the Atlantic Ocean, where the strain was isolated).
中文名: 大西洋硫膨大杆菌
模式菌株:13D2W-2T (= MCCC1A02612T=LMG 27145T)分离自大西洋深海沉积物,硫化-氧化细菌收集器。
发表论文:Lai Q, Li S, Xu H, Jiang L, Zhang R, Shao Z. Thioclava atlantica sp. nov., isolated from deep sea sediment of the Atlantic Ocean. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2014 Nov;106(5):919-25.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,细胞呈短杆状长约1.2-2.0μm,宽约0.7-0.8μm,依靠鞭毛运动;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、硝酸还原酶、β-甲苷腺酶、脲酶、β-半乳糖苷酶、D-葡萄糖酶呈阳性,G+C含量为65.3 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10(100%);在216L培养基上28℃培养3天,形成光滑的灰白色菌落,中央微微凸起,边缘规则,直径2-3 mm;温度生长范围4-41℃(最适28-37℃),NaCl生长范围为0.5-12%(最适3-5%)。
Thioclava indica sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater of the Indian Ocean.
种名定义:Thioclava indica (in’di.ca. L. adj. indica Indian, referring to the Indian Ocean, where the type strain was isolated).
模式菌株: DT23-4T(=MCCC 1A00513T=LMG 27698T=KCTC 33533T)分离自印度洋表面海水,三十二烷降解菌收集器。
发表论文:Liu Y, Lai Q, Du J, Xu H, Jiang L, Shao Z. Thioclava indica sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater of the Indian Ocean. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2015 Jan;107(1):297-304.
新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,细胞呈短杆状,长约1-1.2μm,宽约0.7-0.8μm,不可运动;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、反硝化酶、β-半乳糖酶呈阳性,G+C含量为60.3 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10;在MA培养基上28℃培养2天,菌落呈圆形,浅棕橙色不透明,直径2-3 mm;温度生长范围10-41℃(最适28-32℃),PH生长范围6-10(最适7),NaCl生长范围为0-18%(最适3%)。