2021年至今支撑23个原核微生物新种,其中有1个是新的属(下表加粗部分)。研究结果已发表在微生物新种鉴定的权威刊物International Journal of Systematicand Evolutionary Microbiology等期刊上。这些菌株分离自太平洋、印度洋深海以及中国南海等近海。(如下表)。
序号 | 属种名 | 中文译名 | 保藏中心编号 | 分离源 |
1 | Alcanivorax profundimaris | 深海食烷菌 | MCCC 1A17714 | 分离自中国南海上层海水 |
2 | Croceimicrobium hydrocarbonivorans | 食烃橙色微菌 | MCCC 1A17358 | 分离自东太平洋表层沉积物 |
3 | Fusibacter ferrireducens | 暂无 | MCCC 1A16257 | 分离自漳州市互花米草根际沉积物 |
4 | Halomonas aerodenitrificans | 好氧脱氮盐单胞菌 | MCCC 1A11058 | 分离自厦门市天然污水池污水 |
5 | Halomonas diversa | 多样盐单胞杆菌 | MCCC 1A13316 | 分离自西太平洋多管沉积物(10-14cm) |
6 | Halomonas ethanolica | 乙醇盐单胞菌 | MCCC 1A11081 | 分离自漳州市养殖场污泥 |
7 | Halomonas sulfidivorans | 食硫盐单胞菌 | MCCC 1A13718 | 分离自太平洋重力柱表层沉积物 |
8 | Halomonas sulfidoxydans | 硫氧化盐单胞菌 | MCCC 1A11059 | 分离自厦门市生活污泥 |
9 | Halomonas tianxiuensis | 天休盐单胞菌 | MCCC 1A14433 | 分离自西太平洋表层沉积物 |
10 | Halomonas zhangzhouensis | 漳州盐单胞菌 | MCCC 1A11036 | 分离自漳州市养殖场污泥 |
11 | Marinobacter mangrovi | 红树林海杆菌 | MCCC 1A18306 | 分离自漳州市深层深黑色沉积物 |
12 | Mesonia hitae | 哈工大海研站菌 | MCCC 1A09780 | 分离自南大西洋下层海水 |
13 | Nitrogeniibacter aestuarii | 潮滩氮杆菌 | MCCC 1K04284 | 分离自泉州市近海沉积物 |
14 | Pseudoroseicyclus tamaricis | 柽柳假浅粉色环菌 | MCCC 1A14815 | 分离自潍坊市近海表层沉积物(灰黑色) |
15 | Shewanella eurypsychrophilus | 宽嗜冷希瓦氏菌 | MCCC 1A12718 | 分离自西南印度洋插管沉积物 |
16 | Shewanella psychropiezotolerans | 嗜冷耐压希瓦氏菌 | MCCC 1A12715 | 分离自西南印度洋插管沉积物 |
17 | Solimonas marina | 海洋土壤单胞菌 | MCCC 1A04678 | 分离自西南太平洋深层海水 |
18 | Sulfurimonas hydrogeniphila | 嗜氢硫单胞菌 | MCCC 1A13987 | 分离自西北印度洋深层海水 |
19 | Sulfurimonas indica | 印度洋硫单胞菌 | MCCC 1A13988 | 分离自西北印度洋深层海水 |
20 | Sulfurimonas sediminis | 沉积物硫单胞菌 | MCCC 1A14513 | 分离自西南印度洋TVG沉积物 |
21 | Thermosipho ferrireducens | 铁还原栖热腔菌 | MCCC 1A14213 | 分离自西北印度洋硫化物 |
22 | Thiomicrorhabdus sediminis | 沉积物硫微杆菌 | MCCC 1A14511 | 分离自中国南海硫粉富集物 |
23 | Thiomicrorhabdus xiamenensis | 厦门硫微杆菌 | MCCC 1A14512 | 分离自厦门市硫粉富集物 |
种名定义:pro.fun.di.ma’ris.L. masc. adj. profundus, deep; L. gen. neut. n. maris, from/of the sea; N.L.gen. neut. n. profundimaris, from/of the deep-sea, reflecting from where thetype strain was isolated
中文名: 深海食烷菌
模式菌株:ST75FaO-1T (= MCCC1A17714T = KCTC 82142T). 分离自中国南海上层海水
新种论文:Dong C, Lai Q, Liu X, Gu L, Zhang Y, Xie Z, Wang D, Shao Z. Alcanivorax profundimaris sp. nov., a Novel Marine Hydrocarbonoclastic Bacterium Isolated from Seawater and Deep-Sea Sediment. Curr Microbiol. 2021 Mar;78(3):1053-1060. doi: 10.1007/s00284-020-02322-7. Epub 2021 Feb 18.新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌严格好氧、杆状(长1.3-2.3um,直径0.5-0.7um)、不可运动、不产色素;生长温度范围10-40℃(最适生长温度30-35℃),生长pH范围5.0-10.0(最适生长pH 7.0-8.0),生长所需NaCl范围1.0-15.0%(最适NaCl浓度3.0-4.0%);在MA(添加1%醋酸钠)培养基平板上28℃生长3天后,菌落呈圆形,无色,透明,表面光滑,湿润,边缘规则,无晕环,中央微凸,直径2-3mm。
Croceimicrobium hydrocarbonivorans gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel marine bacterium isolated from a bacterial consortium that degrades polyethylene terephthalate
种名定义:hy.dro.car.bo.ni.vo’rans.N.L. neut. n. hydrocarbonum, hydrocarbon; L. pres. part. vorans, eating; N.L.part. adj. hydrocarbonivorans, hydrocarbon-eating
中文名: 食烃橙色微菌
模式菌株:A20-9T (=MCCC 1A17358T=KCTC 72878T). 分离自东太平洋表层沉积物
新种论文:Liu R, Lai Q, Gu L, Yan P, Shao Z. Croceimicrobium hydrocarbonivorans gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel marine bacterium isolated from a bacterial consortium that degrades polyethylene terephthalate. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2021 Apr;71(4). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004770.新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌好氧、会滑动、杆状、产类胡萝卜素;生长温度范围10-40℃,生长pH范围6.5-8,生长所需NaCl浓度范围1-8%;在MA上培养3天,菌落大小为2-3mm,圆形,玫红,不透明,表面光滑湿润,规则,无晕环,凸。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Fusibacter ferrireducens sp. nov., an anaerobic, Fe(Ⅲ)- and sulphur-reducing bacterium isolated from mangrove sediment
种名定义:fer.ri.re.du’cens.L. neut. n. ferrum, iron; L. pres. part. reducens, converting to a differentstate; N.L. part. adj. ferrireducens, reducing (ferric) iron
中文名: 暂无
模式菌株:Q10-2T (=MCCC1A16257T=KCTC 15906T). 分离自漳州市互花米草根际沉积物
新种论文: Qiu D, Zeng X, Zeng L, Li G, Shao Z. Fusibacter ferrireducens sp. nov., an anaerobic, Fe(Ⅲ)- and sulphur-reducing bacterium isolated from mangrove sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2021 Nov;71(11). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004952.新种特征描述:厌氧菌(专性);革兰氏阳性,该菌嗜碱、耐盐、杆状(0.5*2-4um)、可运动;生长温度范围8-45℃(最适32℃),生长pH范围7.0-10.5(最适 8.5),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-6%(最适3%);梭状菌;生长周期为厌氧2216E平板/液体28℃,板2天液1天;---------------------------------------------------------------------
Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis
种名定义:a.e.ro.de.ni.tri’fi.cans.Gr. masc. n. aêr (gen. aeros), air; N.L. inf. v. denitrificare, to denitrify;N.L. part. adj. aerodenitrificans, denitrifying with or in air
模式菌株:CYD-9T ( = MCCC 1A11058T= KCTC 72088T). 分离自厦门市天然污水池污水
新种论文:Wang L, Shao Z. Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis. Front Microbiol. 2021 Mar 18;12:652766. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.652766. eCollection 2021.新种特征描述:模式菌株;在2216E培养基上25℃生长6天,菌落呈圆形,土黄色不透明,表面光滑偏湿润,边缘规则,无晕环,中央凸起,直径1-2mm;在MA培养基上28℃生长7天,蛋白酶呈阴性;酯酶(三丁酸甘油酯)呈阴性;嗜铁素平板28℃生长20天,产嗜铁素呈阳性(+)。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Halomonas diversa sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment of the Pacific Ocean
种名定义:di.ver’sa.L. fem. part. adj. diversa, different, distinct
中文名: 多样盐单胞杆菌
模式菌株:D167-6-1T (=MCCC1A13316T=KCTC 72441T). 分离自西太平洋多管沉积物(10-14cm)
新种论文:Wang L, Liu X, Lai Q, Gu L, Shao Z. Halomonas diversa sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment of the Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2021 Apr;71(4). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004790.新种特征描述:厌氧菌(兼性);模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌杆状;生长温度范围4-45℃(最适33℃),生长pH范围6.0-11.0(最适pH 7.0-8.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-19%(最适2-8%);在MA培养基上20℃生长3天,菌落呈圆形,颜色为乳白色不透明,表面光滑,边缘规则,无晕环,直径为1mm。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis
种名定义:e.tha.no’li.ca.N.L. neut. n. ethanol, ethanol; L. fem. adj. suff. -ica, suffix used withvarious meanings; N.L. fem. adj. ethanolica, belonging to ethanol, in referenceto the ability of the species to utilize ethanol as a substrate for growth
中文名: 乙醇盐单胞菌
模式菌株:CYT3-1-1T ( = MCCC1A11081T = KCTC 72090T). 分离自漳州市养殖场污泥
新种论文:Wang L, Shao Z. Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis. Front Microbiol. 2021 Mar 18;12:652766. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.652766. eCollection 2021.新种特征描述:模式菌株;在2216E培养基上25℃生长6天,菌落呈圆形,土黄色不透明,表面光滑湿润,边缘规则,无晕环,中央凸起,直径0.5-1mm;在MA培养基上28℃生长7天,蛋白酶呈阴性;酯酶(三丁酸甘油酯)呈阴性(W);嗜铁素平板28℃生长20天,产嗜铁素呈阳性(W)。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis
种名定义:sul.fi.di.vo’rans.N.L. neut. n. sulfidum, sulfide; L. pres. part. vorans, devouring; N.L. part.adj. sulfidivorans, sulfide-devouring
中文名: 食硫盐单胞菌
模式菌株:NLG_F1ET ( = MCCC1A13718T = KCTC 72091T). 分离自太平洋重力柱表层沉积物
新种论文:Wang L, Shao Z. Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis. Front Microbiol. 2021 Mar 18;12:652766. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.652766. eCollection 2021.新种特征描述:厌氧菌(兼性);模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,可运动、具鞭毛、杆状(长1.7-2.4um,直径0.6-0.7um);生长温度范围4-55℃(最适生长温度37-40℃),生长pH范围6.0-10.0(最适生长pH 7.0-8.0),生长所需NaCl范围0-20.0%(最适NaCl浓度2.0-8.0%);在MA培养基上28℃培养2天,菌落呈圆形,黄色不透明,表明光滑偏湿润,边缘规则无晕环,直径约为1mm---------------------------------------------------------------------
Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis
种名定义:sul.fid.o’xy.dans.N.L. neut. n. sulfidum, sulfide; N.L. pres. part. oxydans, oxidizing; N.L.part. adj. sulfidoxydans, oxidizing sulfides
模式菌株:CYN-1-2T ( = MCCC 1A11059T= KCTC 72089T). 分离自厦门市生活污泥
新种论文:Wang L, Shao Z. Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis. Front Microbiol. 2021 Mar 18;12:652766. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.652766. eCollection 2021.新种特征描述:模式菌株;在2216E培养基上25℃生长6天,菌落呈圆形,米白色不透明,表面光滑偏湿润,边缘规则,无晕环,中央凸起,直径1-2mm;在MA培养基上28℃生长7天,蛋白酶呈阴性;酯酶(三丁酸甘油酯)呈阴性;嗜铁素平板28℃生长20天,产嗜铁素呈阳性(+)。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis
种名定义:tian.xiu.en’sis.N.L. masc./fem. adj. tianxiuensis, pertaining to the Tianxiu HydrothermalField, on the Northwest Indian Ridge, from where the type strain was isolated
中文名: 天休盐单胞菌
模式菌株:BC-M4-5T ( = MCCC1A14433T = KCTC 72092T). 分离自西太平洋表层沉积物
新种论文:Wang L, Shao Z. Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis. Front Microbiol. 2021 Mar 18;12:652766. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.652766. eCollection 2021.新种特征描述:厌氧菌(兼性);模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,可运动、具鞭毛、杆状(长1.3-2.1um,直径0.6-0.7um);生长温度范围4-50℃(最适生长温度37-40℃),生长pH范围6.0-10.0(最适生长pH 7.0-8.0),生长所需NaCl范围0-18.0%(最适NaCl浓度2.0-8.0%);在2216E培养基上28℃生长2天,菌落呈圆形,乳白色不透明,表面光滑偏湿润,边缘规则,无晕环,中央凸起,直径1-2mm;---------------------------------------------------------------------
Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis
种名定义:zhang.zhou.en’sis.N.L. masc./fem. adj. zhangzhouensis, of or pertaining to Zhangzhou, a city inFujian, China, where the type strain was isolated
中文名: 漳州盐单胞菌
模式菌株:CXT3-11T ( = MCCC1A11036T = KCTC 72087T). 分离自漳州市养殖场污泥
新种论文:Wang L, Shao Z. Aerobic Denitrification and Heterotrophic Sulfur Oxidation in the Genus Halomonas Revealed by Six Novel Species Characterizations and Genome-Based Analysis. Front Microbiol. 2021 Mar 18;12:652766. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.652766. eCollection 2021.新种特征描述:模式菌株;在2216E培养基上25℃生长6天,菌落呈圆形,乳白色不透明,表面光滑湿润,边缘规则,无晕环,中央凸起,直径2-3mm;在MA培养基上28℃生长7天,蛋白酶呈阴性;酯酶(三丁酸甘油酯)呈阴性;嗜铁素平板28℃生长20天,产嗜铁素呈阳性(+)。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Marinobacter mangrovi sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment
种名定义:man.gro’vi.N.L. gen. neut. n. mangrovi, of a mangrove
模式菌株:CHFG3-1-5T (=MCCC 1A18306T=KCTC 82398T). 分离自漳州市深层深黑色沉积物
新种论文:Yi E, Shao Z, Li G, Liang X, Zhou M.Marinobacter mangrovi sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2021 Nov;71(11). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005079.新种特征描述:厌氧菌(兼性);模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌杆状、可运动、具鞭毛;最适生长温度范围32-37℃,最适生长pH范围6.0-8.0,最适生长所需NaCl浓度范围2-3%;在MA培养基上呈现灰白色菌落,菌落小,无晕环,三天可见明显菌落。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Mesonia hitae sp. nov., isolated from the seawater of the South Atlantic Ocean
种名定义:hi’tae.N.L. gen. fem. n. hitae, of HIT, acronym for Harbin Institute of Technology
中文名: 哈工大海研站菌
模式菌株:R32T (=MCCC 1A09780T=KCTC72004T). 分离自南大西洋下层海水
新种论文:Zhou Y, Gao X, Xu J, Li G, Ma R, Yan P, Dong C, Shao Z. Mesonia hitae sp. nov., isolated from the seawater of the South Atlantic Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2021 Aug;71(8). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004911.新种特征描述:模式菌株;在2216E培养基上28℃生长2天,菌落呈圆形,米黄色透明,表面光滑湿润,边缘规则,无晕环,中央凸起,直径1mm。在MA培养基上28℃生长7天,蛋白酶、脂酶(三丁酸甘油酯)、淀粉酶呈阴性。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Nitrogeniibacter aestuarii sp. nov., a Novel Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium Affiliated to the Family Zoogloeaceae and Phylogeny of the Family Zoogloeaceae Revisited
种名定义:aes.tu.a’ri.i.L. gen. neut. n. aestuarii, of a coastal wetland, the source of the type strainisolated from wetland cordgrass and mangrove in estuary
中文名: 潮滩氮杆菌
模式菌株:H1-1-2AT (=MCCC1K04284T=KCTC 82672T). 分离自泉州市近海沉积物
新种论文:Huang Z, Liu R, Chen F, Lai Q, Oren A, Shao Z. Nitrogeniibacter aestuarii sp. nov., a Novel Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium Affiliated to the Family Zoogloeaceae and Phylogeny of the Family Zoogloeaceae Revisited. Front Microbiol. 2021 Oct 20;12:755908. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.755908. eCollection 2021.新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌杆状;生长温度范围15-40℃(最适35℃),生长pH范围7-8,生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-4%(最适0.5%);氧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性检测呈阳性;在MB平板上,菌落形态呈圆形、透明、凸起、直径1mm。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Pseudoroseicyclus tamaricis sp. nov., isolated from seashore sediment of a Tamarix chinensis forest and emended descriptions of the genus Pseudoroseicyclus Park et al. 2016
种名定义:ta.ma’ri.cis.L. gen. fem. n. tamaricis, of the Tamarix tree
中文名: 柽柳假浅粉色环菌
模式菌株:CLL3-39T (=MCCC 1A14815T=KCTC 72665T). 分离自潍坊市近海表层沉积物(灰黑色)
新种论文:Gai Y, Yang Y, Liu X, Li G, Wang S, Lai Q, Shao Z. Pseudoroseicyclus tamaricis sp. nov., isolated from seashore sediment of a Tamarix chinensis forest and emended descriptions of the genus Pseudoroseicyclus Park et al. 2016. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2021 Jul;71(7). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004908.新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,椭圆形、不具鞭毛;最适生长温度33℃,最适生长pH 7.5,最适盐度40g/L;在MA平板上28℃培养3天,菌落呈粉红色,不透明,表面光滑,边缘规则,无晕环,直径0.1mm。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Characterization of two novel psychrophilic and piezotolerant strains, Shewanella psychropiezotolerans sp. nov. and Shewanella eurypsychrophilus sp. nov, adapted to an extreme deep-sea environment
种名定义:eu.ry.psy.chro’phi.lus.Gr. masc. adj. eurys, wide, broad; Gr. masc. adj. psychros, cold; N.L. masc.adj. suff. -philus, friend, loving; from Gr. masc. adj. philos, on; N.L. masc.adj. eurypsychrophilus, loving a broad range of low temperatures
模式菌株:YLB-08T (=MCCC 1A12718T =KCTC 62909T). 分离自西南印度洋插管沉积物
新种论文:Yu L, Jian H, Gai Y, Yi Z, Feng Y, Qiu X, Shao Z, Tang X.Characterization of two novel psychrophilic and piezotolerant strains, Shewanella psychropiezotolerans sp. nov. and Shewanella eurypsychrophilus sp. nov, adapted to an extreme deep-sea environment. Syst Appl Microbiol. 2021 Nov;44(6):126266. doi: 10.1016/j.syapm.2021.126266. Epub 2021 Sep 24.新种特征描述:厌氧菌(兼性);模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌可运动、杆状(1.0-2.5*0.4-1.0um);生长温度范围0-20℃(最适生长温度4-10℃),生长pH范围5.0-9.0(最适生长pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl范围0-5.0%(最适NaCl浓度1.0-2.0%),生长所需压力范围0.1-40MPa(最适压力0.1MPa);氧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性检测均为阳性;在培养基上,菌落形态呈圆形、边缘完整、淡黄色。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Characterization of two novel psychrophilic and piezotolerant strains, Shewanella psychropiezotolerans sp. nov. and Shewanella eurypsychrophilus sp. nov, adapted to an extreme deep-sea environment
种名定义:psy.chro.pie.zo’to.le.rans.Gr. masc. adj. psychros, cold; Gr. ind. v. piezô, to press; L. pres. part.tolerans, tolerating; N.L. part. adj. psychropiezotolerans, cold loving andpressure tolerating
模式菌株:YLB-06T (=MCCC 1A12715T =KCTC 62907T). 分离自西南印度洋插管沉积物
新种论文:Yu L, Jian H, Gai Y, Yi Z, Feng Y, Qiu X, Shao Z, Tang X.Characterization of two novel psychrophilic and piezotolerant strains, Shewanella psychropiezotolerans sp. nov. and Shewanella eurypsychrophilus sp. nov, adapted to an extreme deep-sea environment. Syst Appl Microbiol. 2021 Nov;44(6):126266. doi: 10.1016/j.syapm.2021.126266. Epub 2021 Sep 24.新种特征描述:厌氧菌(兼性);模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌可运动、杆状(2.0-4.8*0.7-1.1um);生长温度范围0-20℃(最适生长温度4-10℃),生长pH范围5.0-9.0(最适生长pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl范围0-5.0%(最适NaCl浓度1.0-2.0%),生长所需压力范围0.1-40MPa(最适压力0.1MPa);氧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性检测均为阳性;在培养基上,菌落形态呈圆形、边缘完整、淡黄色。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Solimonas marina sp. nov., isolated from deep seawater of the Pacific Ocean
种名定义:ma.ri’na.L. fem. adj. marina, of the sea, marine
中文名: 海洋土壤单胞菌
模式菌株:C16B3T (=MCCC1A04678T=KCTC 52314T). 分离自西南太平洋深层海水
新种论文:Liu X, Lai Q, Sun F, Du Y, Gai Y, Li G, Shao Z. Solimonas marina sp. nov., isolated from deep seawater of the Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2021 Jan;71(1). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004528. Epub 2020 Nov 30.新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌好氧、杆状(长1.7-3.6um,直径0.3-0.5um)、不运动、不具鞭毛;生长温度范围10-45℃(最适28℃),生长pH范围4.0-9.0(最适pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-8%(最适0.5-1.0%);氧化酶和过氧化氢酶检测呈阳性,棒状,生长NaCl浓度0-8.0%,生长温度范围10-45℃。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Characterization of Sulfurimonas hydrogeniphila sp. nov., a Novel Bacterium Predominant in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents and Comparative Genomic Analyses of the Genus Sulfurimonas
种名定义:hy.dro.ge.ni.phi’la.N.L. neut. n. hydrogenum, hydrogen; Gr. masc. adj. philos, loving; N.L. fem.adj. hydrogeniphila, hydrogen-loving, because growth prefers hydrogen
中文名: 嗜氢硫单胞菌
模式菌株:NW10T (=MCCC 1A13987T =KTCC 15781T). 分离自西北印度洋深层海水
新种论文:Wang S, Jiang L, Hu Q, Cui L, Zhu B, Fu X, Lai Q, Shao Z, Yang S. Characterization of Sulfurimonas hydrogeniphila sp. nov., a Novel Bacterium Predominant in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents and Comparative Genomic Analyses of the Genus Sulfurimonas. Front Microbiol. 2021 Feb 26;12:626705. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.626705. eCollection 2021.新种特征描述:微氧菌;化能自养菌;与模式菌株Sulfurimonas paralvinellae GO25(T) AB252048相似性为96.14,MMJHS微好氧培养基培养24小时,菌液基本无色透明,略带浑浊,40倍光学显微镜下观察呈杆状,运动;生长周期为28℃MMJHS 74%H2+20%CO2+6%O2液体,1天;氧耐受1%-20%O2,6%最佳;---------------------------------------------------------------------
Sulfurimonas indica sp. nov., a hydrogen- and sulfur-oxidizing chemolithoautotroph isolated from a hydrothermal sulfide chimney in the Northwest Indian Ocean
种名定义:in’di.ca.L. fem. adj. indica, Indian, referring to the Indian Ocean, where the typestrain was first isolated
中文名: 印度洋硫单胞菌
模式菌株:NW8NT (=MCCC1A13988T=KTCC 15780T). 分离自西北印度洋深层海水
新种论文:Hu Q, Wang S, Lai Q, Shao Z, Jiang L. Sulfurimonas indica sp. nov., a hydrogen- and sulfur-oxidizing chemolithoautotroph isolated from a hydrothermal sulfide chimney in the Northwest Indian Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2021 Jan;71(1). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004575. Epub 2020 Dec 2.新种特征描述:微氧菌;化能自养菌;MMJHS微好氧培养基培养24小时,菌液基本无色透明,略带浑浊,40倍光学显微镜下观察呈杆状,运动;生长周期为28℃MMJHS 76%H2+20%CO2+4%O2液体,1天;氧耐受1%-20%O2,4%最佳;---------------------------------------------------------------------
Sulfurimonas sediminis sp. nov., a novel hydrogen- and sulfur-oxidizing chemolithoautotroph isolated from a hydrothermal vent at the Longqi system, southwestern Indian ocean
种名定义:se.di’mi.nis.L. gen. neut. n. sediminis, of sediment
中文名: 沉积物硫单胞菌
模式菌株:S2-6 T (= MCCC 1A14513T =KCTC 15854 T). 分离自西南印度洋TVG沉积物
新种论文:Wang S, Shao Z, Lai Q, Liu X, Xie S, Jiang L, Yang S. Sulfurimonas sediminis sp. nov., a novel hydrogen- and sulfur-oxidizing chemolithoautotroph isolated from a hydrothermal vent at the Longqi system, southwestern Indian ocean. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2021 Jun;114(6):813-822. doi: 10.1007/s10482-021-01560-4. Epub 2021 Mar 19.新种特征描述:微氧菌;模式菌株;化能自养菌;硫氧化,氢氧化,杆状(长0.8-2.0,直径0.5-1.0um),不产芽孢;生长温度范围10-45℃(最适生长温度33℃),生长pH范围5.0-8.0(最适生长pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl范围1.5-6.0%(最适NaCl浓度3.0%);氧耐受0%-20%O2,2%最佳;---------------------------------------------------------------------
Thermosipho ferrireducens sp.nov., an anaerobic thermophilic iron(III)-reducing bacterium isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal sulfide deposits
种名定义: fer.ri.re.du’cens. L. neut. n.ferrum, iron; L. pres. part. reducens, converting to a different state; N.L.part. adj. ferrireducens, reducing iron(Ⅲ)
中文名: 铁还原栖热腔菌
模式菌株:JL129W03T (=KCTC15905T;=MCCC 1A14213T). 分离自西北印度洋硫化物
新种论文:Chen Y, He Y, Shao Z, Han X, Chen D, Yang J, Zeng X. Thermosipho ferrireducens sp.nov., an anaerobic thermophilic iron(III)-reducing bacterium isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal sulfide deposits. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2021 Jul;71(7). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004929.新种特征描述:模式菌株;厌氧菌(专性);具铁还原特性;生长温度范围55-75℃(最适生长温度70℃),生长pH范围6.0-9.0(最适生长pH 6.0-7.0),生长所需NaCl范围1.5-4.5%(最适NaCl浓度3.0%);---------------------------------------------------------------------
Thiomicrorhabdus sediminis sp. nov. and Thiomicrorhabdus xiamenensis sp. nov., novel sulfur-oxidizing bacteria isolated from coastal sediments and an emended description of the genus Thiomicrorhabdus
种名定义:se.di’mi.nis.L. gen. neut. n. sediminis, of sediment
模式菌株:G1T(=MCCC 1A14511T=KCTC15841T). 分离自中国南海硫粉富集物
新种论文:Liu X, Chen B, Lai Q, Shao Z, Jiang L.Thiomicrorhabdus sediminis sp. nov. and Thiomicrorhabdus xiamenensis sp. nov., novel sulfur-oxidizing bacteria isolated from coastal sediments and an emended description of the genus Thiomicrorhabdus. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2021 Feb;71(2). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004660.新种特征描述:微氧菌;模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌杆状、可运动、具鞭毛;化能自养菌;生长温度范围10-40℃(最适30℃),生长pH范围6.0-9.0(最适pH 7.5),生长所需NaCl浓度范围5-1530mM(最适510mM);硫氧化,杆状,不产芽孢;氧耐受0%-20%O2,2%最佳;---------------------------------------------------------------------
Thiomicrorhabdus sediminis sp. nov. and Thiomicrorhabdus xiamenensis sp. nov., novel sulfur-oxidizing bacteria isolated from coastal sediments and an emended description of the genus Thiomicrorhabdus
种名定义:xi.a.me.nen’sis.N.L. masc./fem. adj. xiamenensis, pertaining to Xiamen, where the type strainwas first isolated [probably better: xiamensis]
模式菌株:G2T(=MCCC 1A14512T=KCTC15842T). 分离自厦门市硫粉富集物
新种论文:Liu X, Chen B, Lai Q, Shao Z, Jiang L.Thiomicrorhabdus sediminis sp. nov. and Thiomicrorhabdus xiamenensis sp. nov., novel sulfur-oxidizing bacteria isolated from coastal sediments and an emended description of the genus Thiomicrorhabdus. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2021 Feb;71(2). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004660.新种特征描述:微氧菌;模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌杆状、可运动、具鞭毛;化能自养菌;生长温度范围4-45℃(最适28℃),生长pH范围5.5-8.0(最适pH 6.5),生长所需NaCl浓度范围85-1530mM(最适340mM);化能自养菌;硫氧化,杆状,不产芽孢;氧耐受2%-20%O2,2%最佳。