2022年至今支撑11个原核微生物新种,其中有2个是新的属(下表加粗部分)。研究结果已发表在微生物新种鉴定的权威刊物International Journal of Systematicand Evolutionary Microbiology等期刊上。这些菌株分离自太平洋深海以及中国南海等近海。(如下表)。
序号 |
属种名 |
中文译名 |
保藏中心编号 |
分离源 |
1 |
Gordonia tangerina |
戈登氏菌(加词待译) |
MCCC 1A18727 |
分离自厦门市近海表层海水 |
2 |
Marinilongibacter aquaticus |
水海洋长杆菌 |
MCCC 1K06017 |
分离自盐城市近海水样 |
3 |
Muricauda aurea |
金黄色鼠尾菌 |
MCCC M23246 |
分离自东太平洋深海表层沉积物 |
4 |
Muricauda profundi |
深部鼠尾菌 |
MCCC M23216 |
分离自东太平洋深海表层沉积物 |
5 |
Pelagibacterium xiamenense |
厦门阔海小杆菌 |
MCCC 1A18759 |
分离自厦门市近海潮间带沉积物 |
6 |
Sediminibacillus dalangtanensis |
大浪滩沉积物芽孢杆菌 |
MCCC 1K03838 |
分离自盐滩含石盐、石膏沉积物 |
7 |
Sulfurimonas marina |
海洋硫化单胞菌 |
MCCC 1A14515 |
分离自中国南海表层沉积物 |
8 |
Thalassolituus hydrocarbonoclasticus |
深海弯曲菌(加词待译) |
MCCC 1A17715 |
分离自中国南海近底海水 |
9 |
Thalassolituus pacificus |
太平洋深海弯曲菌 |
MCCC M21136 |
分离自西太平洋结核附着生物 |
10 |
Zavarzinia marina |
暂无 |
MCCC M24951 |
分离自西太平洋深层海水 |
11 |
Zunongwangia pacifica |
太平洋深海王祖农菌 |
MCCC M21534 |
分离自西太平洋深海水体 |
Gordonia tangerina sp. nov., isolated from seawater
种名定义: tan.ge.ri’na.N.L. fem. adj. tangerina, tangerine-coloured, referring to the reddish-orangecolour of colonies
中文名: 戈登氏菌(加词待译)
模式菌株: GW1C4-4T (=MCCC1A18727T=KCTC 49729T). 分离自厦门市近海表层海水
新种论文: He Y, Lyu L, Hu Z, Yu Z, Shao Z.Gordonia tangerina sp. nov., isolated from seawater. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Dec;72(12). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005632.新种特征描述: 模式菌株;革兰氏阳性,该菌好氧、杆状、橘红色、不运动;生长温度范围10-42℃(最适32-35℃),生长pH范围5.0-9.0(最适pH 6.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-10%(最适1%);1mm、橘红色、圆形、规则、半干、不透明、无晕环。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Characterization of Marinilongibacter aquaticus gen. nov., sp. nov., a unique marine bacterium harboring four CRISPR-Cas systems in the phylum Bacteroidota
种名定义: a.qua’ti.cus. L. masc. adj. aquaticus, living or found in the water, aquatic
中文名: 水海洋长杆菌
模式菌株: YYF0007T (= MCCC1K06017T = GDMCC 1.2428T = JCM 34683T). 分离自盐城市近海水样
新种论文: Zhang DF, Yao YF, Xue HP, Fu ZY, Zhang XM, Shao Z.Characterization of Marinilongibacter aquaticus gen. nov., sp. nov., a unique marine bacterium harboring four CRISPR-Cas systems in the phylum Bacteroidota. J Microbiol. 2022 Sep;60(9):905-915. doi: 10.1007/s12275-022-2102-3. Epub 2022 Aug 1.新种特征描述: 模式菌株;革兰氏阴性;该菌严格好氧、不运动、长直杆状(0.4-0.6*3.0-6.5um)、不具鞭毛;生长温度范围20-37℃(最适28℃),生长pH范围5.0-8.0(最适pH 7.0),最高耐受NaCl浓度为7%(最适1-3%);R2A培养基上培养3天观察菌落:1-3mm、圆形、白色、凸、边缘整齐。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Muricauda aurea sp. nov. and Muricauda profundi sp. nov., two marine bacteria isolated from deep sea sediment of Pacific Ocean
种名定义: au’re.a. L. fem. adj. aurea, golden
中文名: 金黄色鼠尾菌
模式菌株: BC31-1-A7T(=MCCC M23246T=KCTC 82569T). 分离自东太平洋深海表层沉积物
新种论文: Zhao S, Liu R, Lai Q, Shao Z.Muricauda aurea sp. nov. and Muricauda profundi sp. nov., two marine bacteria isolated from deep sea sediment of Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Feb;72(2). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005217.新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌好氧、杆状、产类胡萝卜素、不具鞭毛;最适生长温度范围28-32℃,最适生长pH范围7.5,最适生长所需NaCl浓度范围3-4%;菌落大小1-3mm,圆形,黄色,表面突出湿润,边缘规则,无晕圈。
Muricauda aurea sp. nov. and Muricauda profundi sp. nov., two marine bacteria isolated from deep sea sediment of Pacific Ocean
种名定义: pro.fun’di. L. gen. neut. n. profundi, of the depth of the sea
中文名: 深部鼠尾菌
模式菌株: BC31-3-A3T(=MCCC M23216T=KCTC 82302T). 分离自东太平洋深海表层沉积物
新种论文: Zhao S, Liu R, Lai Q, Shao Z.Muricauda aurea sp. nov. and Muricauda profundi sp. nov., two marine bacteria isolated from deep sea sediment of Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Feb;72(2). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005217.新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌好氧、杆状、产类胡萝卜素、不具鞭毛;最适生长温度范围28-32℃,最适生长pH范围7.5,最适生长所需NaCl浓度范围3-4%;菌落大小2-4mm,圆形,亮黄色,表面突出湿润,边缘规则,无晕圈。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Pelagibacterium xiamenense sp. nov., isolated from intertidal sediment
种名定义: xia.men.en’se.N.L. neut. adj. xiamenense, pertaining to Xiamen, a district in Fujian, PRChina where type strain was isolated [probably better: xiamense]
中文名: 厦门阔海小杆菌
模式菌株: HS1C4-1T (=MCCC 1A18759T=KCTC92097T). 分离自厦门市近海潮间带沉积物
新种论文: He Y, Lyu L, Dong C, Wang W, Yu Z, Shao Z.Pelagibacterium xiamenense sp. nov., isolated from intertidal sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Aug;72(8). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005462.新种特征描述: 模式菌株;革兰氏阴性、改进严格好氧、杆状、不滑动、可运动、黄色;生长温度范围15-55℃(最适37℃),生长pH范围6.0-10.0(最适pH 7.0-9.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-12%(最适1%);1mm、浅黄色、圆形、边缘规则、不透明、表面光滑湿润。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Sediminibacillus dalangtanensis sp. nov., a moderate halophile isolated from hypersaline sediments of the Qaidam Basin in Northwest China
种名定义: da.lang.tan.en’sis. N.L. masc./fem. adj. dalangtanensis, pertaining toDalangtan Playa in the Qaidam Basin in Northwest China
中文名: 大浪滩沉积物芽孢杆菌
模式菌株: DP4-553-ST(=MCCC 1K03838T= KCTC 43250T). 分离自盐滩含石盐、石膏沉积物
新种论文: Huang T, Lai Q, Xiao L, Gong L, Shao Z, Wang H, Xu Y, Amils R, Escudero C, Martinez JM.Sediminibacillus dalangtanensis sp. nov., a moderate halophile isolated from hypersaline sediments of the Qaidam Basin in Northwest China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Aug;71(8). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005501. 新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阳性,该菌好氧、中度嗜盐、杆状、产内生孢子;生长温度范围4-45℃(最适37℃),生长pH范围5.5-9.0(最适pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-21.6%(最适7.2%);在MGM(盐度18%)培养基上培养7天观察菌落:菌落呈不规则至圆形,乳白色,半透明,油膏光泽,边缘规整,无晕环。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Sulfurimonas marina sp. nov., an obligately chemolithoautotrophic, sulphur-oxidizing bacterium isolated from a deep-sea sediment sample from the South China Sea
种名定义: ma.ri’na.L. fem. adj. marina, of the sea, marine
中文名: 海洋硫化单胞菌
模式菌株: B2T (=MCCC1A14515T=KCTC 15852T). 分离自中国南海表层沉积物
新种论文: Wang Z, Wang S, Lai Q, Wei S, Jiang L, Shao Z.Sulfurimonas marina sp. nov., an obligately chemolithoautotrophic, sulphur-oxidizing bacterium isolated from a deep-sea sediment sample from the South China Sea. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Oct;72(10). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005582.新种特征描述: 微氧菌;模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌可运动、杆状、具鞭毛;化能自养菌;生长温度范围10-45℃(最适35℃),生长pH范围4.5-9.0(最适pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围1-8%(最适3%);硫氧化,氢氧化,杆状,不产芽孢;氧耐受2%-20%O2,2%最佳;---------------------------------------------------------------------
Genome-based taxonomic rearrangement of Oceanobacter-related bacteria including the description of Thalassolituus hydrocarbonoclasticus sp. nov. and Thalassolituus pacificus sp. nov. and emended description of the genus Thalassolituus
种名定义: hy.dro.car.bo.no.clas’ti.cus. N.L. neut. n. hydrocarbonum, hydrocarbon; N.L.masc. adj. suff. -clasticus, breaking; from Gr. adj. klastos -ê -on, broken inpieces; N.L. masc. adj. hydrocarbonoclasticus, hydrocarbonoclastic, breakinghydrocarbon
中文名: 深海弯曲菌(加词待译)
模式菌株: alknpb1M-1T (=MCCC 1A17715T = KCTC 82141T). 分离自中国南海近底海水
新种论文: Dong C, Wei L, Wang J, Lai Q, Huang Z, Shao Z.Genome-based taxonomic rearrangement of Oceanobacter-related bacteria including the description of Thalassolituus hydrocarbonoclasticus sp. nov. and Thalassolituus pacificus sp. nov. and emended description of the genus Thalassolituus. Front Microbiol. 2022 Dec 20;13:1051202. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1051202. eCollection 2022.新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌严格好氧、弯曲杆状(长2.4-4.4um,直径0.3-0.4um)、可运动、具鞭毛;生长温度范围4-35℃(最适25℃),生长pH范围5.0-10.0(最适pH 7.0-8.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围1-7%(最适3%);在MA(添加1%醋酸钠)培养基平板上25℃生长3天后,菌落呈圆形,白色,透明,表面光滑,湿润,边缘规则,无晕环,中央微凸,直径2-3mm。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Genome-based taxonomic rearrangement of Oceanobacter-related bacteria including the description of Thalassolituus hydrocarbonoclasticus sp. nov. and Thalassolituus pacificus sp. nov. and emended description of the genus Thalassolituus
种名定义: pa.ci’fi.cus. L. masc. adj. pacificus, peaceful, pertaining to the PacificOcean
中文名: 太平洋深海弯曲菌
模式菌株: 59MF3M-4T (=MCCC M21136T = KCTC 92589T). 分离自西太平洋结核附着生物
新种论文: Dong C, Wei L, Wang J, Lai Q, Huang Z, Shao Z.Genome-based taxonomic rearrangement of Oceanobacter-related bacteria including the description of Thalassolituus hydrocarbonoclasticus sp. nov. and Thalassolituus pacificus sp. nov. and emended description of the genus Thalassolituus. Front Microbiol. 2022 Dec 20;13:1051202. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1051202. eCollection 2022.新种特征描述: 模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,改进严格好氧,弯曲杆状(长1.4-2.3um,直径0.2-0.3um)、可运动、具鞭毛;生长温度范围10-45℃(最适28℃),生长pH范围6.0-8.0(最适pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围1-8%(最适3%);MA培养基上25℃下培养3天,菌落形态呈奶白色、光滑、圆形、不透明、边缘完整、直径1-2mm。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Zavarzinia marina sp. nov., a novel hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium isolated from deep chlorophyll maximum layer seawater of the West Pacific Ocean and emended description of the genus Zavarzinia
种名定义: ma.ri’na. L. fem. adj. marina, of the sea, marine
中文名: 暂无
模式菌株: Adcm-6AT (=MCCCM24951T=KCTC 82849T). 分离自西太平洋深层海水
新种论文: Hu Z, Chen Y, Lai Q, Yu Z, Shao Z, Dong C.Zavarzinia marina sp. nov., a novel hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium isolated from deep chlorophyll maximum layer seawater of the West Pacific Ocean and emended description of the genus Zavarzinia. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Oct;72(10). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005527.新种特征描述: 模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌严格好氧、可运动、不产孢子;杆状;生长温度范围20-37℃(最适28-32℃),生长pH范围6.0-11.0(最适pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-6%(最适1-2%);M2培养基,25℃,培养3天观察菌落:2-3mm、圆形、乳色、表面湿润、微凸、边缘规则。---------------------------------------------------------------------
Zunongwangia pacifica sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater of the Western Pacific Ocean
种名定义: pa.ci’fi.ca.L. fem. adj. pacifica, peaceful, pertaining to the Pacific Ocean
中文名: 太平洋深海王祖农菌
模式菌株: C2-37M9T (=MCCC M21534T=KCTC82852T). 分离自西太平洋深海水体
新种论文: Chen Y, Liu T, Lai Q, Dong C, Shao Z.Zunongwangia pacifica sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater of the Western Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Nov;72(11). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005606.新种特征描述: 模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌好氧、杆状、不运动、亮黄色。生长温度范围10-44℃(最适28-30℃),生长pH范围6-9(最适pH 7),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-12%(最适2-3%)。