

文章来源: 发布时间:2023-01-01 阅读次数:5469

2022年至今支撑11个原核微生物新种,其中有2个是新的属(下表加粗部分)。研究结果已发表在微生物新种鉴定的权威刊物International Journal of Systematicand Evolutionary Microbiology等期刊上。这些菌株分离自太平洋深海以及中国南海等近海。(如下表)。







Gordonia tangerina


MCCC 1A18727



Marinilongibacter aquaticus


MCCC 1K06017



Muricauda aurea


MCCC M23246



Muricauda profundi


MCCC M23216



Pelagibacterium xiamenense


MCCC 1A18759



Sediminibacillus dalangtanensis


MCCC 1K03838



Sulfurimonas marina


MCCC 1A14515



Thalassolituus hydrocarbonoclasticus


MCCC 1A17715



Thalassolituus pacificus


MCCC M21136



Zavarzinia marina


MCCC M24951



Zunongwangia pacifica


MCCC M21534



 Gordonia tangerina sp. nov., isolated from seawater

种名定义: tan.ge.ri’na.N.L. fem. adj. tangerina, tangerine-coloured, referring to the reddish-orangecolour of colonies

中文名: 戈登氏菌(加词待译)

模式菌株: GW1C4-4T (=MCCC1A18727T=KCTC 49729T). 分离自厦门市近海表层海水

新种论文: He Y, Lyu L, Hu Z, Yu Z, Shao Z.Gordonia tangerina sp. nov., isolated from seawater. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Dec;72(12). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005632.新种特征描述: 模式菌株;革兰氏阳性,该菌好氧、杆状、橘红色、不运动;生长温度范围10-42℃(最适32-35℃),生长pH范围5.0-9.0(最适pH 6.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-10%(最适1%);1mm、橘红色、圆形、规则、半干、不透明、无晕环。
Characterization of Marinilongibacter aquaticus gen. nov., sp. nov., a unique marine bacterium harboring four CRISPR-Cas systems in the phylum Bacteroidota

种名定义: a.qua’ti.cus. L. masc. adj. aquaticus, living or found in the water, aquatic

中文名: 水海洋长杆菌

模式菌株: YYF0007T (= MCCC1K06017T = GDMCC 1.2428T = JCM 34683T). 分离自盐城市近海水样

新种论文: Zhang DF, Yao YF, Xue HP, Fu ZY, Zhang XM, Shao Z.Characterization of Marinilongibacter aquaticus gen. nov., sp. nov., a unique marine bacterium harboring four CRISPR-Cas systems in the phylum Bacteroidota. J Microbiol. 2022 Sep;60(9):905-915. doi: 10.1007/s12275-022-2102-3. Epub 2022 Aug 1.新种特征描述: 模式菌株;革兰氏阴性;该菌严格好氧、不运动、长直杆状(0.4-0.6*3.0-6.5um)、不具鞭毛;生长温度范围20-37℃(最适28℃),生长pH范围5.0-8.0(最适pH 7.0),最高耐受NaCl浓度为7%(最适1-3%);R2A培养基上培养3天观察菌落:1-3mm、圆形、白色、凸、边缘整齐。
 Muricauda aurea sp. nov. and Muricauda profundi sp. nov., two marine bacteria isolated from deep sea sediment of Pacific Ocean

种名定义: au’re.a. L. fem. adj. aurea, golden

中文名: 金黄色鼠尾菌

模式菌株: BC31-1-A7T(=MCCC M23246T=KCTC 82569T). 分离自东太平洋深海表层沉积物

新种论文: Zhao S, Liu R, Lai Q, Shao Z.Muricauda aurea sp. nov. and Muricauda profundi sp. nov., two marine bacteria isolated from deep sea sediment of Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Feb;72(2). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005217.新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌好氧、杆状、产类胡萝卜素、不具鞭毛;最适生长温度范围28-32℃,最适生长pH范围7.5,最适生长所需NaCl浓度范围3-4%;菌落大小1-3mm,圆形,黄色,表面突出湿润,边缘规则,无晕圈。


Muricauda aurea sp. nov. and Muricauda profundi sp. nov., two marine bacteria isolated from deep sea sediment of Pacific Ocean

种名定义: pro.fun’di. L. gen. neut. n. profundi, of the depth of the sea

中文名: 深部鼠尾菌

模式菌株: BC31-3-A3T(=MCCC M23216T=KCTC 82302T). 分离自东太平洋深海表层沉积物

新种论文: Zhao S, Liu R, Lai Q, Shao Z.Muricauda aurea sp. nov. and Muricauda profundi sp. nov., two marine bacteria isolated from deep sea sediment of Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Feb;72(2). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005217.新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌好氧、杆状、产类胡萝卜素、不具鞭毛;最适生长温度范围28-32℃,最适生长pH范围7.5,最适生长所需NaCl浓度范围3-4%;菌落大小2-4mm,圆形,亮黄色,表面突出湿润,边缘规则,无晕圈。
 Pelagibacterium xiamenense sp. nov., isolated from intertidal sediment

种名定义: xia.men.en’se.N.L. neut. adj. xiamenense, pertaining to Xiamen, a district in Fujian, PRChina where type strain was isolated [probably better: xiamense]

中文名: 厦门阔海小杆菌

模式菌株: HS1C4-1T (=MCCC 1A18759T=KCTC92097T). 分离自厦门市近海潮间带沉积物

新种论文: He Y, Lyu L, Dong C, Wang W, Yu Z, Shao Z.Pelagibacterium xiamenense sp. nov., isolated from intertidal sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Aug;72(8). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005462.新种特征描述: 模式菌株;革兰氏阴性、改进严格好氧、杆状、不滑动、可运动、黄色;生长温度范围15-55℃(最适37℃),生长pH范围6.0-10.0(最适pH 7.0-9.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-12%(最适1%);1mm、浅黄色、圆形、边缘规则、不透明、表面光滑湿润。
 Sediminibacillus dalangtanensis sp. nov., a moderate halophile isolated from hypersaline sediments of the Qaidam Basin in Northwest China

种名定义: da.lang.tan.en’sis. N.L. masc./fem. adj. dalangtanensis, pertaining toDalangtan Playa in the Qaidam Basin in Northwest China

中文名: 大浪滩沉积物芽孢杆菌

模式菌株: DP4-553-ST(=MCCC 1K03838T= KCTC 43250T). 分离自盐滩含石盐、石膏沉积物

新种论文: Huang T, Lai Q, Xiao L, Gong L, Shao Z, Wang H, Xu Y, Amils R, Escudero C, Martinez JM.Sediminibacillus dalangtanensis sp. nov., a moderate halophile isolated from hypersaline sediments of the Qaidam Basin in Northwest China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Aug;71(8). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005501.  新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阳性,该菌好氧、中度嗜盐、杆状、产内生孢子;生长温度范围4-45℃(最适37℃),生长pH范围5.5-9.0(最适pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-21.6%(最适7.2%);在MGM(盐度18%)培养基上培养7天观察菌落:菌落呈不规则至圆形,乳白色,半透明,油膏光泽,边缘规整,无晕环。
 Sulfurimonas marina sp. nov., an obligately chemolithoautotrophic, sulphur-oxidizing bacterium isolated from a deep-sea sediment sample from the South China Sea

种名定义: ma.ri’na.L. fem. adj. marina, of the sea, marine

中文名: 海洋硫化单胞菌

模式菌株: B2T (=MCCC1A14515T=KCTC 15852T). 分离自中国南海表层沉积物

新种论文: Wang Z, Wang S, Lai Q, Wei S, Jiang L, Shao Z.Sulfurimonas marina sp. nov., an obligately chemolithoautotrophic, sulphur-oxidizing bacterium isolated from a deep-sea sediment sample from the South China Sea. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Oct;72(10). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005582.新种特征描述: 微氧菌;模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌可运动、杆状、具鞭毛;化能自养菌;生长温度范围10-45℃(最适35℃),生长pH范围4.5-9.0(最适pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围1-8%(最适3%);硫氧化,氢氧化,杆状,不产芽孢;氧耐受2%-20%O22%最佳;
 Genome-based taxonomic rearrangement of Oceanobacter-related bacteria including the description of Thalassolituus hydrocarbonoclasticus sp. nov. and Thalassolituus pacificus sp. nov. and emended description of the genus Thalassolituus

种名定义: hy.dro.car.bo.no.clas’ti.cus. N.L. neut. n. hydrocarbonum, hydrocarbon; N.L.masc. adj. suff. -clasticus, breaking; from Gr. adj. klastos -ê -on, broken inpieces; N.L. masc. adj. hydrocarbonoclasticus, hydrocarbonoclastic, breakinghydrocarbon

中文名: 深海弯曲菌(加词待译)

模式菌株: alknpb1M-1T (=MCCC 1A17715T = KCTC 82141T). 分离自中国南海近底海水

新种论文: Dong C, Wei L, Wang J, Lai Q, Huang Z, Shao Z.Genome-based taxonomic rearrangement of Oceanobacter-related bacteria including the description of Thalassolituus hydrocarbonoclasticus sp. nov. and Thalassolituus pacificus sp. nov. and emended description of the genus Thalassolituus. Front Microbiol. 2022 Dec 20;13:1051202. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1051202. eCollection 2022.新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌严格好氧、弯曲杆状(长2.4-4.4um,直径0.3-0.4um)、可运动、具鞭毛;生长温度范围4-35℃(最适25℃),生长pH范围5.0-10.0(最适pH 7.0-8.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围1-7%(最适3%);在MA(添加1%醋酸钠)培养基平板上25℃生长3天后,菌落呈圆形,白色,透明,表面光滑,湿润,边缘规则,无晕环,中央微凸,直径2-3mm
 Genome-based taxonomic rearrangement of Oceanobacter-related bacteria including the description of Thalassolituus hydrocarbonoclasticus sp. nov. and Thalassolituus pacificus sp. nov. and emended description of the genus Thalassolituus

种名定义: pa.ci’fi.cus. L. masc. adj. pacificus, peaceful, pertaining to the PacificOcean

中文名: 太平洋深海弯曲菌

模式菌株: 59MF3M-4T (=MCCC M21136T = KCTC 92589T). 分离自西太平洋结核附着生物

新种论文: Dong C, Wei L, Wang J, Lai Q, Huang Z, Shao Z.Genome-based taxonomic rearrangement of Oceanobacter-related bacteria including the description of Thalassolituus hydrocarbonoclasticus sp. nov. and Thalassolituus pacificus sp. nov. and emended description of the genus Thalassolituus. Front Microbiol. 2022 Dec 20;13:1051202. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1051202. eCollection 2022.新种特征描述: 模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,改进严格好氧,弯曲杆状(长1.4-2.3um,直径0.2-0.3um)、可运动、具鞭毛;生长温度范围10-45℃(最适28℃),生长pH范围6.0-8.0(最适pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围1-8%(最适3%);MA培养基上25℃下培养3天,菌落形态呈奶白色、光滑、圆形、不透明、边缘完整、直径1-2mm
 Zavarzinia marina sp. nov., a novel hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium isolated from deep chlorophyll maximum layer seawater of the West Pacific Ocean and emended description of the genus Zavarzinia

种名定义: ma.ri’na. L. fem. adj. marina, of the sea, marine

中文名: 暂无

模式菌株: Adcm-6AT (=MCCCM24951T=KCTC 82849T). 分离自西太平洋深层海水

新种论文: Hu Z, Chen Y, Lai Q, Yu Z, Shao Z, Dong C.Zavarzinia marina sp. nov., a novel hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium isolated from deep chlorophyll maximum layer seawater of the West Pacific Ocean and emended description of the genus Zavarzinia. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Oct;72(10). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005527.新种特征描述: 模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌严格好氧、可运动、不产孢子;杆状;生长温度范围20-37℃(最适28-32℃),生长pH范围6.0-11.0(最适pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-6%(最适1-2%);M2培养基,25℃,培养3天观察菌落:2-3mm、圆形、乳色、表面湿润、微凸、边缘规则。
 Zunongwangia pacifica sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater of the Western Pacific Ocean

种名定义: pa.ci’fi.ca.L. fem. adj. pacifica, peaceful, pertaining to the Pacific Ocean

中文名: 太平洋深海王祖农菌

模式菌株: C2-37M9T (=MCCC M21534T=KCTC82852T). 分离自西太平洋深海水体

新种论文: Chen Y, Liu T, Lai Q, Dong C, Shao Z.Zunongwangia pacifica sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater of the Western Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2022 Nov;72(11). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.005606.新种特征描述: 模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌好氧、杆状、不运动、亮黄色。生长温度范围10-44℃(最适28-30℃),生长pH范围6-9(最适pH 7),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-12%(最适2-3%)。