2019年至今支撑14个原核微生物新种,其中有2个是新的属(下表加粗部分)。研究结果已发表在微生物新种鉴定的权威刊物International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology等期刊上。这些菌株分离自印度洋深海以及中国南海等近海。(如下表)。
序号 |
属种名 |
中文译名 |
保藏中心编号 |
分离源 |
1 |
Acuticoccus sediminis |
沉积物尖球菌 |
MCCC 1A01274 |
印度洋深海沉积物 |
2 |
Altererythrobacter aerophilus |
嗜气交替赤杆菌 |
MCCC 1A10037 |
西太平洋深层海水 |
3 |
Chengkuizengella marina |
海洋曾呈奎菌 |
MCCC 1A14042 |
西太平洋多管表层沉积物 |
4 |
Cohaesibacter intestini |
肠粘杆菌 |
MCCC 1A13131 |
泉州市健康鲍鱼肠道 |
5 |
Hydrocarboniclastica marina |
海洋解碳水化合物菌 |
MCCC 1A12105 |
中国南海表层沉积物 |
6 |
Lottiidibacillus patelloidae |
帽贝莲花青螺芽胞杆菌 |
MCCC 1A11654 |
厦门沿海帽贝肠道 |
7 |
Muricauda amoyensis |
厦门鼠尾菌 |
MCCC 1A11649 |
厦门市近海潮间带沉积物 |
8 |
Nonlabens xiamenensis |
厦门不滑动菌 |
MCCC 1A14023 |
厦门市近海上层海水 |
9 |
Paracoccus amoyensis |
厦门副球菌 |
MCCC 1A16380 |
厦门市近海表层海水 |
10 |
Pararhodobacter marinus |
大海副红细菌 |
MCCC 1A01225 |
印度洋底层水样 |
11 |
Roseovarius amoyensis |
厦门玫瑰变色菌 |
MCCC 1A11651 |
厦门市近海潮间带沉积物 |
12 |
Sinomicrobium soli |
土壤中华微菌 |
MCCC 1A06047 |
挪威斯匹次卑尔根岛机场附近土样 |
13 |
Sulfurovum indicum |
印度洋硫卵菌 |
MCCC 1A17954 |
西北印度洋深层水样 |
14 |
Tsuneonella suprasediminis |
表层沉积物常尾氏菌 |
MCCC 1A04421 |
西南太平洋沉积物上覆水 |
种名定义:se.di’mi.nis. L. gen. neut. n. sediminis, of a sediment
模式菌株:PTG4-2T (=MCCC 1A01274T=KCTC 52323T) 分离自印度洋深海沉积物
新种论文:Lai Q, Liu X, Sun F, Shao Z. Acuticoccus sediminis sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment of the Indian Ocean and proposal of Acuticoccaceae fam. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2019 Apr;69(4):1173-1178. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.003289. Epub 2019 Feb 27. 新种特征描述:模式菌株,革兰氏阴性,该菌卵形、不具鞭毛;生长温度范围4-40℃(最适30℃),生长pH范围6.0-10.0(最适pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围1-9%(最适3%);在2216e培养基上菌落呈淡橙色,不透明,表面光滑,边缘规则,中央凸起,无晕环,菌落大小2-3mm。
Altererythrobacter aerophilus sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea water of the north-west Pacific
种名定义: aer.o.phi’lus. Gr. masc. n. aêr, air; N.L. adj. philus -a -um, friend, loving; from Gr. adj. philos -ê -on, loving; N.L. masc. adj. aerophilus, air-loving
模式菌株: Ery1T (=KCTC 62387T=CGMCC 1.16499T=MCCC 1A10037T). 分离自西太平洋深层海水
新种论文: Meng FX, Li G, Fang C, Wu YH, Cheng H, Chen Y, Wang CS, Shao Z, Xu XW.Altererythrobacter aerophilus sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea water of the north-west Pacific. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2019 Jun;69(6):1689-1695. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.003377. Epub 2019 Apr 3. 新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌好氧、杆状(长1.4-2.7um,直径0.4-0.5um)、不具鞭毛;长温度范围10-45℃(最适30-40℃),生长pH范围5.0-9.5(最适pH 6.0-7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-10%(最适0-1%);在MA培养基上菌落呈土黄色,边缘规则半透明,表面光滑湿润,无晕环,中央有凸起。 在MA培养基上28℃生长6天,淀粉酶、蛋白酶、脂酶(三丁酸甘油酯)呈阴性;T40呈阳性。
Chengkuizengella marina sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment of the Pacific Ocean
种名定义: ma.ri’na. L. fem. adj. marina, of the sea, marine
模式菌株: YPA3-1-1T (=MCCC 1A14042T=KCTC 43019T). 分离自西太平洋多管表层沉积物
新种论文: Yang J, Lai Q, Liao X, Zhao Q, Shao Z. Chengkuizengella marina sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment of the Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2019 Aug;69(8):2522-2526. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.003530. Epub 2019 Jun 19. 新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阳性,该菌好氧、杆状(长2.5um,直径0.5um)、可运动、不产色素;生长温度范围10-40℃(最适生长温度28-33℃),生长pH范围6.0-10.0(最适生长pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl范围1.0-6.0%(最适NaCl浓度3.0%);在MA培养基上25℃生长3天,菌落呈圆形,淡黄色边缘透明,表面光滑偏湿润,边缘规则,无晕环,中央凸起,直径2~3mm。
Cohaesibacter intestini sp. nov., isolated from the intestine of abalone, Haliotis discus hannai
种名定义: in.tes.ti’ni. L. gen. neut. n. intestini, the intestine of abalone, Haliotis, where the type strain is isolated
模式菌株: YE-B6T (=MCCC 1A13131T=KCTC 62716T). 分离自泉州市健康鲍鱼肠道
新种论文: Liu M, Huang Z, Zhao Q, Shao Z. Cohaesibacter intestini sp. nov., isolated from the intestine of abalone, Haliotis discus hannai. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2019 Oct;69(10):3202-3206. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.003610. 新种特征描述:厌氧菌(兼性);模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,不可运动、杆状(长1-6um,直径0.6-1.0um);生长温度范围10-37℃(最适温度28-33℃),生长pH 7.0-9.0(最适pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度为0-8%(最适2%);MA培养基上28℃,培养3天观察菌落:1-3mm、圆形、米色、微凸、边缘整齐。
Hydrocarboniclastica marina gen. nov., sp. nov., a marine hydrocarbonoclastic bacterium isolated from an in situ enriched hydrocarbon-degrading consortium in sea sediment
种名定义: ma.ri’na. L. fem. adj. marina, marine
模式菌株: Soil36-7T (=MCCC 1A12105T=KCTC 62334T). 分离自中国南海表层沉积物
新种论文: Dong C, Ma T, Liu R, Lai Q, Shao Z. Hydrocarboniclastica marina gen. nov., sp. nov., a marine hydrocarbonoclastic bacterium isolated from an in situ enriched hydrocarbon-degrading consortium in sea sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2019 Aug;69(8):2250-2257. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.003454. Epub 2019 Jun 11. 新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌好氧、杆状(长2.3-2.8um,直径0.5-0.8um)、可运动、具鞭毛;生长温度范围4-40℃(最适28-32℃),生长pH范围5.0-10.0(最适pH 7.0-8.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围1-12%(最适3-6%);在R2A培养基上4℃生长,菌落呈圆形,白色透明,表面光滑偏湿润,边缘规则,无晕环,中央微凸,直径0.5mm。
Lottiidibacillus patelloidae gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from the intestinal tract of a marine limpet and reclassification of Bacillus taeanensis as Maribacillus taeanensis gen. nov., comb. nov
种名定义: pa.tel.lo’i.dae. N.L. gen. fem. n. patelloidae, of the limpet Patelloida saccharina
模式菌株: SA5d-4T (= MCCC 1A11654T = KCTC 33831T). 分离自厦门沿海帽贝肠道
新种论文: Liu R, Huang Z, Dong C, Shao Z. Lottiidibacillus patelloidae gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from the intestinal tract of a marine limpet and reclassification of Bacillus taeanensis as Maribacillus taeanensis gen. nov., comb. nov. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2019 May;112(5):797-807. doi: 10.1007/s10482-018-01213-z. Epub 2019 Jan 1. 新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阳性,该菌严格好氧、丝状(长8-14um,直径0.2-0.3um)、不具鞭毛、不运动、不产孢子;氧化酶活性检测呈阴性、过氧化氢酶活性检测呈弱阳性;GC含量35.3mol%;在MA平板上生长3天,菌落形态呈微凸、边缘规则、光滑、亮黄色、半透明、直径1-2mm。
Roseovarius amoyensis sp. nov. and Muricauda amoyensis sp. nov., isolated from the Xiamen coast.
种名定义:Roseovarius amoyensis (a.moy’en’sis. N.L. masc./fem. adj. amoyensis, pertaining to Amoy, meaning Xiamen in southern Fujian dialect, the city where the type strain was isolated).
模式菌株:GCL-8T (=MCCC 1A11651T = KCTC 52430T)分离自厦门市近海潮间带沉积物。
新种论文:Li G, Lai Q, Yan P, Shao Z. Roseovarius amoyensis sp. nov. and Muricauda amoyensis sp. nov., isolated from the Xiamen coast. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2019 Oct;69(10):3100-3108. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.003595. 新种特征描述:厌氧菌(兼性);模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌杆状(长0.9-2.6um,直径0.3-1.0um)、不运动;生长温度范围4-41℃(最适28℃),生长pH范围6.0-9.0(最适pH 7.0-8.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-8%(最适1-3%);菌落呈圆形,乳白色不透明,表面光滑偏湿润,边缘规则,无晕环,菌落型态大;在28℃条件下,生长3天,即能看见明显的较大菌落。
Nonlabens xiamenensis sp. nov., isolated from coastal seawater
种名定义:xia.men.en’sis. N.L. masc./fem. adj. xiamenensis, belonging to Xiamen, a coastal city in South China, where the type strain was isolated [probably better: xiamensis]
模式菌株:1Q3T (= MCCC 1A14023T = KCTC 62889T). 分离自厦门市近海上层海水
新种论文:Huang Z, Du Y, Lai Q, Shao Z. Nonlabens xiamenensis sp. nov., isolated from coastal seawater. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2019 Aug;112(8):1263-1271. doi: 10.1007/s10482-019-01258-8. Epub 2019 Apr 2. 新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,杆状(长1.0-6.0um,直径0.7-1.0um)、不会滑动、不具鞭毛;生长温度范围10-37℃(最适温度28℃);氧化酶活性检测呈阳性,过氧化氢酶活性检测呈阴性;在MB培养基上28℃下培养2天后,菌落形态呈橙色、小、光滑、圆形。
Paracoccus amoyensis sp. nov., isolated from the surface seawater along the coast of Xiamen Island, China
种名定义: a.moy.en’sis. N.L. masc./fem. adj. amoyensis, pertaining to Amoy, meaning Xiamen in Fujian dialect, PR China where the type strain was isolated
模式菌株: 11-3T (=MCCC 1A16380T=KCTC 72689T). 分离自厦门市近海表层海水
新种论文: Lyu L, Lai Q, Li J, Yu Z, Shao Z. Paracoccus amoyensis sp. nov., isolated from the surface seawater along the coast of Xiamen Island, China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2019 Jun;71(3). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004685. Epub 2021 Feb 2. 新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,短杆状(长1.0-2.0um,直径0.5-1.0um)、不可运动;生长温度范围15-37℃(最适温度28-35℃),生长pH 6.5-7.5(最适pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度为0-1.5%(最适0%);氧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性检测均为阳性。
Pararhodobacter marinus sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea water of the Indian Ocean
种名定义: ma.ri’nus. L. masc. adj. marinus, of the sea, marine
模式菌株: CIC4N-9T (=MCCC 1A01225T=KCTC 52336T). 分离自印度洋底层水样
新种论文: Lai Q, Liu X, Yuan J, Xie S, Shao Z. Pararhodobacter marinus sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea water of the Indian Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2019 Apr;69(4):932-936. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.003219. Epub 2019 Jan 4. 新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性菌,该菌杆状(长2.0um,直径0.9um);生长温度范围4-41℃(最适28-30℃),生长pH范围6-9(最适pH 7),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-9%(最适3%);菌落淡红色,圆形,表面光滑湿润,边缘整齐,中央略隆起,不透明。
Roseovarius amoyensis sp. nov. and Muricauda amoyensis sp. nov., isolated from the Xiamen coast
种名定义:a.moy’en’sis. N.L. masc./fem. adj. amoyensis, pertaining to Amoy, meaning Xiamen in southern Fujian dialect, the city where the type strain was isolated
中文名: 厦门鼠尾菌
模式菌株: GCL-11T (=MCCC 1A11649T=KCTC 52432T) 分离自厦门市近海潮间带沉积物
新种论文:Li G, Lai Q, Yan P, Shao Z. Roseovarius amoyensis sp. nov. and Muricauda amoyensis sp. nov., isolated from the Xiamen coast. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2019 Oct;69(10):3100-3108. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.003595. 新种特征描述: 厌氧菌(兼性);模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,该菌杆状(长1.1-3.0um,直径0.5-0.8um)、不运动;生长温度范围4-41℃(最适28℃),生长pH范围6.0-9.0(最适pH 6.0-7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0.5-8%(最适3-5%);菌落呈圆形,乳黄色不透明,表面光滑偏湿润,边缘规则,无晕环,菌落型态大;在28℃条件下,生长3天,即能看见明显的较大菌落。
Sinomicrobium soli sp. nov., isolated from arctic soil
种名定义:so’li. L. gen. neut. n. soli, of soil, the source of the type strain
模式菌株:N-1-3-6T (=MCCC 1A06047T=KCTC 52339T). 分离自挪威斯匹次卑尔根岛机场附近土样
新种论文:Liu X, Lai Q, Du Y, Zhang X, Zhong H, Shao Z. Sinomicrobium soli sp. nov., isolated from arctic soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2019 Apr;69(4):1070-1074. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.003273. Epub 2019 Feb 12. 新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性,生长温度范围10-45℃(最适28-37℃),生长pH范围6-9(最适pH 7),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-12%(最适0.5-2%);菌落呈深黄褐色,表面不光滑,边缘无规则,扁平,不透明,有较大晕圈。
Sulfurovum indicum sp. nov., a novel hydrogen- and sulfur-oxidizing chemolithoautotroph isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal plume in the Northwestern Indian Ocean
种名定义: in’di.cum. L. neut. adj. indicum, Indian, referring to the Indian Ocean, where the type strain was first isolated
模式菌株: ST-419T (=MCCC 1A17954T=KCTC 25164T). 分离自西北印度洋深层水样
新种论文: Xie S, Wang S, Li D, Shao Z, Lai Q, Wang Y, Wei M, Han X, Jiang L.Sulfurovum indicum sp. nov., a novel hydrogen- and sulfur-oxidizing chemolithoautotroph isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal plume in the Northwestern Indian Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2019 Jun;71(3). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004748. Epub 2021 Mar 18. 新种特征描述:微好氧菌(0~8%);革兰氏阴性,该菌卵形球状、不运动;化能自养菌;生长温度范围4-50℃(最适37℃),生长pH范围5.0-8.6(最适pH 6.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围1.0-5.0%(最适3.0%);硫氧化,反硝化;革兰氏阴性;杆状。
Tsuneonella suprasediminis sp. nov., isolated from the Pacific Ocean
种名定义: sup.ra.se.di’mi.nis. L. prep. supra, above; L. gen. neut. n. sediminis, of sediment; N.L. gen. neut. n. suprasediminis, from above the sediment
模式菌株: Ery12T (=CGMCC 1.16500 T=MCCC 1A04421T=KCTC 62388T). 分离自西南太平洋沉积物上覆水
新种论文: Gao Y, Li G, Fang C, Shao Z, Wu YH, Xu XW.Tsuneonella suprasediminis sp. nov., isolated from the Pacific Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2019 Jun;71(3). doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004678. Epub 2021 Feb 2. 新种特征描述:模式菌株;革兰氏阴性;杆状;不产芽孢;生长温度范围10-42℃(最适30-37℃),生长pH范围5.0-9.5(最适pH 7.0),生长所需NaCl浓度范围0-10%(最适0-1%);在M2平板上25℃生长1周,菌落呈米黄色至金黄色;光滑湿润,不透明,凸起,边缘整齐,无晕,直径1mm。