

文章来源: 发布时间:2017-01-01 阅读次数:15604

本年度支撑19个原核微生物新种,其中有6个是新的属(加粗部分),新属Paraphotobacterium是弧菌科14年来的唯一一个新成员。研究结果已发表在微生物新种鉴定的权威刊物Antonie van Leeuwenhoek或International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology期刊上。这些菌株分离自太平洋、印度洋和中国近海等 (如表4-3)。

表4-3. 2016年MCCC完成的海洋细菌新物种的系统分类鉴定

序号 属种名 库藏编号 分离源

1. Alcanivorax nanhaiticus MCCC 1A05629 中国南海沉积物

2. Altererythrobacter aurantiacus MCCC 1A09962 西太平洋沉积物

3. Amycolatopsis albispora MCCC 1A10745 印度洋沉积物

4. Anaeromicrobium sediminis MCCC 1A00776 西太平洋沉积物

5. Bacillus australimaris MCCC 1A05787 中国东海表层沉积物

6. Bacillus zhangzhouensis MCCC 1A08372 中国东海表层沉积物

7. Hyphomonas pacifica MCCC 1A04387 太平洋沉积物

8. Jiulongibacter sediminis MCCC 1A00733 九龙江沉积物

9. Kordia ulvae MCCC 1A01772 福建厦门市大嶝岛绿藻

10. Lacinutrix gracilariae MCCC 1A01567 福建晋江市红藻表面

11. Nocardioides rotundus MCCC 1A10561 西太平洋海水

12. Paraphotobacterium marinum MCCC 1A01886 中国南海表层海水

13. Pseudodesulfovibrio indicus MCCC 1A01867 印度洋蛇纹石化

14. Pseudotenacibaculum haliotis MCCC 1A01897 福建泉州杂色鲍

15. Roseovarius atlanticus MCCC 1A09786 大西洋表层海水

16. Sediminivirga luteola MCCC 1A09945 西太平洋沉积物

17. Thalassospira indica MCCC 1A01103 印度洋深层海水

18. Thermodesulfatator autotrophicus MCCC 1A01871 西南印度洋硫化物

19. Wukongibacter baidiensis MCCC 1A01532 西南印度洋硫化物

Alcanivorax nanhaiticus sp. nov., isolated from deep sea sediment

种名定义:Alcanivorax nanhaiticus (nan.hai’ti.cus. N.L. masc. adj. nanhaiticus pertaining to Nanhai, the Chinese name for the South China Sea, the site from which the type strain was isolated).


模式菌株:19-m-6T (=MCCC 1A05629T=KCTC 52137 T)分离自中国南海深海沉积物。

新种论文: Lai Q, Zhou Z, Li G, Li G, Shao Z. Alcanivorax nanhaiticus sp. nov., isolated from deep sea sediment.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 Sep;66(9):3651-3655.

新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,好氧,细胞呈短杆状,长2.4μm,宽0.5μm,不可运动;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶呈阳性。在216L培养基上28℃培养3天,菌落呈灰白色,表面光滑微凸,边缘规则,直径约1-2 mm;NaCl生长范围为0.5-15%(最适3%),温度生长范围4-41℃(最适28℃),一周内不能再45℃下生长, G+C含量为56.44 mol%。


Altererythrobacter aurantiacus sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment.

种名定义: Altererythrobacter aurantiacus (au.ran.ti.a’cus. N.L. masc. adj. aurantiacus, orange-coloured).


模式菌株:O30T (= CGMCC 1.12762T = JCM 19853T = LMG 28110T = MCCC 1A09962T)分离西太平洋深海沉积物。

新种论文: Zhang G, Yang Y, Wang L. Altererythrobacter aurantiacus sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2016 Sep;109(9):1245-51.

新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,严格好氧,细胞呈球状,不可运动,无芽孢形成;过氧化氢酶、脂酶(吐温60、80)呈阳性,G+C含量为56.9mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-8、Q-9、Q-10;在MA培养基上37℃培养3天,菌落呈橘黄色,表面凸起,边缘规则呈圆形,不透明,直径约1-2 mm;温度生长范围4-40℃(最适37℃),PH生长范围6.0-9.0(最适9.0),NaCl生长范围为0.5-7%(最适3%)。


Amycolatopsis albispora sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment.

种名定义: Amycolatopsis albispora [al.bi.spo’ra. L. adj. albus white; N. L. n. spora (from Gr. n. spora a seed) spore; N.L. fem. adj. albispora having white spores].


模式菌株:WP1T (=KCTC 39642T=MCCC 1A10745T)分离自印度洋深海沉积物。

新种论文: Zhang G, Wang L, Li J, Zhou Y. Amycolatopsis albispora sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 Oct;66(10):3860-3864.

新种特征描述:革兰氏阳性菌,放线菌,好氧,在MZ2培养基上基内菌丝体和气生菌丝体;;氧化酶呈阴性、过氧化氢酶呈阳性,G+C含量为65.5 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10;在MZ2培养基上28℃培养3天,菌落呈灰白色,表面微凸,边缘不规则,直径约1 mm;温度生长范围4-45℃(最适30-35℃),PH生长范围5.0-11.0(最适8.0-9.0),NaCl生长范围为0-8%(最适0-3%)。


Anaeromicrobium sediminis gen. nov., sp. nov., a fermentative bacterium isolated from deep-sea sediment.

种名定义: Anaeromicrobium sediminis (se.di.mi’nis. L. gen. n. sediminis of a sediment).


模式菌株:DY2726DT (=JCM 30224T =MCCC 1A00776T)分离西太平洋深海沉积物。

新种论文:Zhang G, Wang S, Wang L. Anaeromicrobium sediminis gen. nov., sp. nov., a fermentative bacterium isolated from deep-sea sediment.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 Dec 14.[Epub ahead of print].

新种特征描述:革兰氏阳性菌,厌氧菌,噬常温,异养菌,细胞呈长杆状,长4-15μm,宽0.5-0.8μm,有鞭毛,可运动; 33.4mol%,;温度生长范围20-40℃(最适37℃),PH生长范围6.5-9.0(最适7.5),NaCl生长范围为1-3%(最适2%)。最短繁殖时间为76 min。


Bacillus zhangzhouensis sp. nov. and Bacillus australimaris sp. nov.

种名定义:Bacillus australimaris (aus.tra.li.ma’ris. L. adj. australis southern; L. n. mare, maris the sea; N.L. gen. n. australimaris of the South Sea, China, where the type strain was isolated).


模式菌株:NH7I_1T (=MCCC 1A05787T=LMG 27697T=KCTC 33532T)分离自中国南海。

新种论文: Liu Y, Lai Q, Du J, Shao Z.Aestuariivita atlantica sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. Bacillus zhangzhouensis sp. nov. and Bacillus australimaris sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 Mar; 66: 1193-1199.

新种特征描述:革兰氏阳性菌,严格好氧,细胞呈杆状,长2-2.2μm,宽0.7-0.8μm,可运动,有极性鞭毛;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶呈阳性,G+C含量为65.5 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10;在LB培养基上32℃培养2-3天,菌落呈黄色,半透明,圆形边缘规则,直径约2-3 mm;温度生长范围8-45℃(最适30-37℃),PH生长范围5.0-11.0(最适6.0-9.0),NaCl生长范围为0-12%(最适1-3%)。


Bacillus zhangzhouensis sp. nov. and Bacillus australimaris sp. nov.

种名定义: Bacillus zhangzhouensis (zhang.zhou.en9sis. N.L. masc. adj. zhangzhouensis of Zhangzhou, a city in Fujian, China, where the type strain was isolated)


模式菌株:DW5-4T (=MCCC 1A08372T=LMG 27144T=KCTC 33531T)分离自虾(漳州)。

新种特征描述:革兰氏阳性菌,严格好氧,细胞呈杆状,长1.8-2.0μm,宽0.5-0.6μm,可运动,有极性鞭毛;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶呈阳性,G+C含量为41.4 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10;在LB培养基上32℃培养2天,菌落呈奶白色,半透明,圆形边缘规则,直径约2-3 mm;温度生长范围8-45℃(最适30-37℃),PH生长范围5.0-11.0(最适6.0-9.0),NaCl生长范围为0-12%(最适1-3%)。---------------------------------------------------------------------

Hyphomonas pacifica sp. nov., isolated from deep sea 3 of the Pacific Ocean

种名定义:Hyphomonas pacifica (pa.ci’fi.ca. L. fem. adj.276 pacifica pacific, pertaining to the Pacific Ocean)


模式菌株:T16B2T (=LMG 27911 T = MCCC 1A04387T)分离自太平洋沉积物。

新种论文: Li X, Li C, Lai Q, Li G, Sun F, Shao Z. Hyphomonas pacifica sp. nov., isolated from deep sea of the Pacific Ocean. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 2016 Aug;109(8):1111-9.

新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,好氧,无芽孢形成,极性鞭毛,细胞呈椭圆至梨形,长0.8-2.1μm,宽0.6-0.8μm;碱性磷酸酶、亮氨酸芳基酰胺酶、萘酚-AS-BI-磷酸水解酶、α-葡萄糖苷酶和缬氨芳基酰胺酶呈阳性,G+C含量为65.5 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-11;在培养基上28℃培养3天,菌落呈白色圆形,表面突起,边缘规则,直径约1-2 mm。


Jiulongibacter sediminis gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Cytophagaceae, isolated from the surface sediment of the Jiulong River in China.

种名定义: Jiulongibacter sediminis (se.di.mi’nis. L. gen. n. sediminis of the sediment, the source of the type strain).


模式菌株:JN14-9T (=MCCC 1A00733T=KCTC 42153 T)分离自福建九龙河沉积物。

新种论文: Liu Y, Du J, Lai Q, Dong C, Xie Y, Shao Z. Jiulongibacter sediminis gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Cytophagaceae, isolated from the surface sediment of the Jiulong River in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 Jun;66(6):2347-53.



Kordia ulvae sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from the surface of green marine algae Ulva sp.

种名定义: Kordia ulvae (ul’vae. L. gen. fem. n. ulvae of a seaweed)


模式菌株:SC2T (= KCTC 42872T=MCCC 1A01772T=LMG 29123T)分离自海洋绿藻。

新种论文: Qi F, Huang Z, Lai Q, Li D, Shao Z. Kordia ulvae sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from the surface of green marine algae Ulva sp. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 Apr 20.[Epub ahead of print].

新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,好氧,无鞭毛,细胞呈杆状,长2.2-3.5μm,宽0.4μm。在MA培养基上30℃培养2天,菌落呈黄色,表面光亮,边缘规则;NaCl生长范围为1-6%(最适2%),温度生长范围15-37℃(最适30℃),PH生长范围7.0-19.0(最适8.0)。氧化酶、过氧化氢酶呈阳性;可降解脱脂牛奶、琼脂、淀粉、吐温20和吐温80。G+C含量为34.5 mol%,主要呼吸醌为MK-6。


Lacinutrix gracilariae sp. nov., isolated from the surface of a marine red alga Gracilaria sp.

种名定义: Lacinutrix gracilariae (at.lan’ti.ca. L. fem. adj. atlantica referring to the Atlantic Ocean, where the strain was isolated). (gra.ci.la9ri.ae. N.L. gen. n. gracilariae of the red alga Gracilaria)


模式菌株:Lxc1T (=MCCC 1A01567T=KCTC 42808T)分离福建晋江海洋红藻表面。

新种论文: Huang Z, Li G, Lai Q, Gu L, Shao Z.Lacinutrix gracilariae sp. nov., isolated from the surface of a marine red alga Gracilaria sp. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016; 66:687-591.

新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,无鞭毛,细胞呈杆状,长1.4-1.9μm,宽0.5μm;碱性磷酸酶、酯酶(C8)、胰蛋白酶、萘酚-AS-BI-磷酸水解酶和酸性磷酸酶呈阳性,G+C含量为31.7mol%,主要呼吸醌为MK-6;在MA培养基上2菌落呈橘黄色,表面光滑,直径小于1 mm;温度生长范围5-35℃(最适28℃),PH生长范围6.0-9.0(最适7.0),NaCl生长范围为0.5-8%(最适2%)。


Nocardioides rotundus sp. nov., isolated from deep seawater.

种名定义: Nocardioides rotundus (ro.tun’dus. L. masc. adj. rotundus round)


模式菌株:GY0594T (=MCCC 1A10561T=KCTC 39638 T)分离自西太平洋深海海水。

新种论文: Wang L, Li J, Zhang G.Nocardioides rotundus sp. nov., isolated from deep seawater. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 May;66(5):1932-6..

新种特征描述:革兰氏阳性菌,严格好氧,球菌,半径0.7-0.9μm,不可运动,无芽孢生成;氧化酶呈阴性、过氧化氢酶呈阳性,G+C含量为71.2mol%,主要呼吸醌为MK-8(H4);在MZ2216E培养基上30℃培养3天,菌落呈乳白色,表面凸起,不透明,直径约0.5-1 mm;在MA培养基上,菌落呈微黄色,半透明,湿润,直径约0.4-0.6mm;温度生长范围15-40℃(最适30-35℃),PH生长范围5.0-11.0(最适8.0-9.0),NaCl生长范围为0-12%(最适0-6%)。


Paraphotobacterium marinum gen. nov., sp. nov., a member of the family Vibrionaceae, isolated from surface seawater

种名定义:Paraphotobacterium marinum (ma.ri’num. L. neut. adj. marinum of the sea, the source of isolation of the type strain).


模式菌株:NSCS20N07DT (=KCTC 52126T=MCCC 1A01886T=CIP 111031 T)分离中国南海表层海水。

新种论文:Huang Z, Dong C, Shao Z.Paraphotobacterium marinum gen. nov., sp. nov., a member of the family Vibrionaceae, isolated from surface seawater. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 Sep;66(8):3050-6. .



Pseudodesulfovibrio indicus gen. nov., sp. nov., a piezophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium from the Indian Ocean and reclassification of four species of the genus Desulfovibrio.

种名定义: Pseudodesulfovibrio indicus (Pseu.do.de.sul.fo.vi'bri.o. Gr. adj. pseudês false; N.L. masc. n. Desulfovibrio a bacterial genus; N.L. masc. n. Pseudodesulfovibrio like Desulfovibrio, referring to the close relationship to this genus)


模式菌株:J2T (=MCCC 1A01867T = DSM 101483T)分离自印度洋深海热液区的蛇纹石化橄榄岩。

新种论文: Cao J, Gayet N, Zeng X, Shao Z, Jebbar M, Alain K. Pseudodesulfovibrio indicus gen. nov., sp. nov., a piezophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium from the Indian Ocean and reclassification of four species of the genus Desulfovibrio. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 Oct;66(10):3904-3911.

新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,厌氧,细胞呈弧状,长2-6μm,宽0.5μm,可运动;G+C含量为63.5 mol%;可利用乳酸盐、苹果酸盐。丙酮酸盐、甲酸盐及氢作为能量来源。温度生长范围9-40℃(最适30-35℃),PH生长范围5.0-8.0(最适6.5-7.0),NaCl生长范围为0.2-6%(最适2.5%)。液体静压力生长范围为0-30 MPa(最适10 MPa)。


Pseudotenacibaculum haliotis gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member within the Tenacibaculum-Polaribacter clade of the family Flavobacteriaceae, isolated from the intestine of adult abalones, Haliotis diversicolor and H. discushannai.

种名定义:Pseudotenacibaculum haliotis (Pseu.do.te.na.ci.ba’cu.lum. Gr. adj. pseudes false; N.L. neut. n. Tenacibaculum a bacterial genus name; N.L. neut. n. Pseudotenacibaculum false Tenacibaculum).


模式菌株:FDZSB0410T (=KCTC 52127T=MCCC 1A01897 T)分离自鲍鱼肠道。

新种论文: Huang Z, Wang L, Zhang D, Shao Z. Pseudotenacibaculum haliotis gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member within the Tenacibaculum-Polaribacter clade of the family Flavobacteriaceae, isolated from the intestine of adult abalones, Haliotis diversicolor and H. discushannai. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 Sep;66(9):3718-3724.



Roseovarius atlanticus sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater

种名定义: Roseovarius atlanticus (at.lan’ti.cus. L. masc. adj. atlanticus Atlantic, from the Atlantic Ocean).


模式菌株:R12BT (=MCCC 1A09786T=KCTC 42506 T)分离自大西洋表层海水。

新种论文:Guizhen Li, Qiliang Lai, Chunming Dong, Rui Ma, Yaping Du, Xiupian Liu, Fengqin Sun, Zongze Shao, and Peisheng Yan. Roseovarius atlanticus sp. nov., isolated from surface seawater. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2016), 66, 639–644.

新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,,细胞呈杆状,长1.2-1.8μm,宽0.7-0.9μm,不可运动;氧化酶、碱性磷酸酶、酯酶(C4)、脂肪酶(C8)、亮氨酸芳基酰胺酶、萘酚-AS-BI-磷酸水解酶和缬氨酸氨肽酶呈阳性,G+C含量为63.6 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10;在MA培养基上28℃培养2天,菌落呈米黄色,表面凸起,边缘圆形规则,直径约1.0-2.0 mm;温度生长范围4-45℃(最适25-28℃),PH生长范围4.0-10.0(最适7.0),NaCl生长范围为0.5-15%(最适3-5%)。


Sediminivirga luteola gen. nov., sp. nov., a member of the family Brevibacteriaceae, isolated from marine sediment.

种名定义:Sediminivirga luteola (lu.te.o’la. L. adj. luteus yellow; L. dim. fem. adj. luteola yellowish)


模式菌株:F23T (=JCM 19771T=CGMCC 1.12785T=MCCC 1A09945T)分离西太平洋深海沉积物。

新种论文:Zhang G, Wang S, Wang L.Sediminivirga luteola gen. nov., sp. nov., a member of the family Brevibacteriaceae, isolated from marine sediment.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 Jan 19.[Epub ahead of print]

新种特征描述:革兰氏阳性菌,细胞呈长杆状,长1.3-1.8μm,宽0.3-0.4μm,不可运动;过氧化氢酶呈阳性,G+C含量为69.0 mol%,主要呼吸醌为MK-8(H2) 和MK-7(H2);在MZ2培养基上28℃培养3天,菌落呈淡黄色,表面凸起,不透明,圆形边缘规则,直径约1-2 mm;温度生长范围4-55℃(最适35-37℃),PH生长范围6-12(最适8-9),NaCl生长范围为0-10%(最适1%)。


Thalassospira indica sp. nov., isolated from the deep water of the Indian Ocean.

种名定义: Thalassospira indica (in'di.ca. L. fem. adj. indica Indian, referring to the Indian Ocean, where the type strain was isolated).


模式菌株:PB8BT (=MCCC 1A01103T=LMG 29620T)分离自印度洋深海海水。

新种论文:Li G, Lai Q, Du Y, Liu X, Sun F, Shao Z. Thalassospira indica sp. nov., isolated from the deep water of the Indian Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 Aug 25.[Epub ahead of print].

新种特征描述:革兰氏阴性菌,兼性厌氧菌,细胞呈弯杆状,长1.6-1.8μm,宽0.3-0.4μm,有极性鞭毛,可运动;氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、脂酶(吐温80)呈阳性,G+C含量为54.9 mol%;在MA培养基上28℃培养3天,菌落呈浅棕色,表面光滑凸起,边缘规则,直径约1-2 mm;温度生长范围10-41℃(最适28℃),PH生长范围5.0-11.0(最适6.0-7.0),NaCl生长范围为0-15%(最适2-4%)。


Thermodesulfatator autotrophicus sp. nov., a thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium from the Indian Ocean

种名定义:Thermodesulfatator autotrophicus (au.to.tro’phi.cus. N.L. masc. adj. autotrophicus autotroph).


模式菌株:S606T (=DSM 101864T=MCCC 1A01871T)分离自印度洋深海通风烟囱壁上硫化物。

新种论文: Lai Q, Cao J, Dupont S, Shao Z, Jebbar M, Alain K. Thermodesulfatator autotrophicus sp. nov., a thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium from the Indian Ocean. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 Oct;66(10):3978-3982.



Wukongibacter baidiensis gen. nov., sp. nov., an anaerobic bacterium isolated from hydrothermal sulfides, and proposal for the reclassification of the closely related Clostridium halophilum and Clostridium caminithermale within Maledivibacter gen. nov. and Paramaledivibacter gen. nov., respectively.

种名定义: Wukongibacter baidiensis (bai.di.en’sis. N.L. masc. adj. baidiensis pertaining to Baidi-1 Hydrothermal Field, on the Southwest Indian Ridge, from where the type strain was isolated.)


模式菌株:DY30321T (=KCTC 15549T=MCCC 1A01532T)分离自混合热液硫化物

新种论文: Li G, Zeng X, Liu X, Zhang X, Shao Z. Wukongibacter baidiensis gen. nov., sp. nov., an anaerobic bacterium isolated from hydrothermal sulfides, and proposal for the reclassification of the closely related Clostridium halophilum and Clostridium caminithermale within Maledivibacter gen. nov. and Paramaledivibacter gen. nov., respectively. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2016 Nov;66(11):4355-4361.

新种特征描述:革兰氏阳性菌,好氧,细胞呈椭圆至杆状,长1.0-10.5μm,宽0.40-0.6μm,不可运动,有芽孢;氧化酶、七叶树素水解酶、脂酶(吐温20、40、80)呈阳性,G+C含量为65.5 mol%,主要呼吸醌为Q-10;在YTG培养基上30℃培养2天,菌落质地坚硬,表面光滑凸起,边缘规则,直径约5 mm;温度生长范围10-45℃(最适30℃),PH生长范围2.0-10.0(最适8.0),NaCl生长范围为2-8%(最适3-4%)。
